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Topics - Stranger

Suggestions / Paying off a Lien
August 08, 2024, 04:48:02 PM
I propose that if a player loses a property due to failure to pay or visit, that they do not have to fully repurchase the home.

If no one acquires the home before they come back for it, I suggest that the owner simply have to pay a modest fine plus owed rent/taxes.

500gp? 1000gp?

Whatever penalty is reasonable.
I will be compiling, as best I can, biographies for the "prominent characters" of the chapter. This is defined broadly, generously under the following categories:

  • The current and former Legates of Ephia's Well.
  • Any promoted member of a faction. Sister, Balladeer, Balesterie, Apothar, Sergeant, or Senior Scribe.
  • Any player faction that has existed longer than one month.
  • Villains that have done tangible harm.

Please contribute names, screenshots, and storied deeds here in this thread, for the benefit of this anthology.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Cosine Mevura
April 05, 2024, 01:17:23 AM
everyone's least favorite wizard

Quote from: Initial ConceptCosine is a young refugee from the Wizard Warrens. He traces his descent to a group of Lantanna technomancers who awoke within the City of Rings many generations ago and founded the Vatic Order of Mathemagicians. Unfortunately for Cosine, it is a whimsical tradition within his family to name children after mathematic concepts, and he has been bullied relentlessly over this by other children.

As a child, he witnessed the coming and going of many luminaries in Wizard Warrens. But more importantly, he has also witnessed the unspeakable tragedies that continually brought about suffering and disaster in his homeland, brought about by egomaniacal, selfish archmages whose hubris wreaked havoc upon reality itself.

He has witnessed so much suffering, so much death. It haunts him every day. It gnaws at him. All he can want is for the world to be kinder and better, so that no one else will have to endure the horrors that he has survived.

Although their names are a matter of great discomfort and embarrassment to them all, Cosine, his sister Tangent, and his brother Sine, have all enrolled as Nadiri students in Eagle Mount. The two siblings will remain NPCs that my character refers to obliquely, to flavor and color his life off-screen.

Their father, Grandmaster Hypotenuse Mevura, and several of his apprentices, sacrificed themselves ten years ago to hold back the thirsting shadows of the apocalypse, so that his family might survive. Their mother, Kyllene Konphas, died sometime in the intervening years between surviving the cataclysm and the arrival at Ephia's Well.

In addition to a notion of maths-based wizardry, Cosine emphasizes themes of magical gadgetry and clockwork mechanisms, particularly as those devices might contribute to the manipulation of time; in his heart of hearts, Cosine dearly wants to travel back to that fateful moment in the past and rescue his father from the grasp of darkness.

Cosine has an unrealized potential for great eloquence and leadership, but is burdened by crippling, unresolved trauma that manifests in shyness, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, discomfort with speaking up or showing his face, etc.

Properly cultivated by a caring mentor, he could be eventually become an extraordinary force of personality among the Astronomers.

Regardless of how far his confidence has or has not developed, Cosine is righteous by nature and will always want to do the right thing. He will always suggest fighting evil, helping those in need, and respecting the rule of law.

if you know anything about cosine, you already know that these plans went off the rails

he would shift between lawful good and lawful neutral, pulled in both directions by either acts of daring heroism, or by being complicit in war crimes of the deep state

there was that balladeer who made art of him, i guess

this was pretty cool

he converted to izdu so the priest would bless his homework

cosine's first horror mystery

the early astronomers had a lot of great scenes

so did our friendly neighbors, the early banda rossa

we don't talk about the parrot

spoiler: he laughed

they didn't laugh, though, something far worse happened here

the greatest of all inventions...

...wielded with great purpose...



cosine's early career really didn't go well

but he did his best

i do need baublium. and licenses. wanna know why? i have a dream! that one day, every wizard in this desert will control their OWN destiny! a land of the TRULY free, damn it! a citadel of ACTION, not words! ruled by STRENGTH, not committee! where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around! where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of spellcasters! where every mage is free to think, to act, for himself! fuck all these limp-dick legates and chicken-shit scribes! fuck this 24/7 bellow spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! fuck "cinquefoil pride!" fuck asterabadi! fuck all of it! the sultanate is diseased. rotten to the core. there's no saving it. we need to pull it out by the roots! wipe the slate clean! BURN IT DOWN! and from the ashes, a new caliphate will be born. evolved, but untamed! the weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive! free to live as they see fit, they will make ephia's well GREAT AGAIN!

soundtrack not related to the rest of this obituary

some other stuff happened, i guess

velan forever

a lot of old faces

the shade is serious business

cosine having a bad time #23662856

the shade is very serious business

the shade is very, very serious business

vergal mendista had a lot of style but don't tell estellise i said that

we don't talk about the oration slab

bad time central

cool ghost stuff

we don't talk about the polycule

boutta turn in a quest to sergeant rennik for 30 silver

in retrospect it makes a lot of sense that necromancers and brookers would refuse our benevolent protection, given that we'd have killed them anyway for being necromancers and bnrookers

that was less fine.

perhaps my favorite faction base of all time

could cosine hate any two people in this world more than mari and qari? no. no he could not.

the krak was hopping, made me happy to see.

we do not talk about the polycule

the sisterhood of the dweeb, gathered together in russian nesting doll formation

wow sergeant kinney, lord velstra let you have two adrians?

eagle's mount is so stupidly pretty

weekly saturday night showdown

cosine the world-eater

the foe returns: condottiero azimi

oppenheimer didn't do it alone

this guy flexed on cosine so hard man you don't even know

long live the king

what's that, miss oppenheimer, we need more uranium?

seems fine

forget about blood aliens, watch out for mind chickens





selsi you seem to have gained some weight

definitely wasn't

proof of concept

it wasn't serious actually

it was fine actually

warning: qa'im may have more giant robots than pictured in this dream quest

only top healthcare for our nadiri

some meeting about how much we hate elves

what a night

the fam

tuesday afternoon exorcism

some guy

you heard it here

damn it, feo

our boy oscar

it would be so sad if you destroyed the sand gate

black ops

spoiler: it was not fine

liberation day

popular tourist destination

xon... xon, please...

epitome of the class fantasy

our faith in ibn ghalish

revolutionary techniques being invented right now

justice never sleeps, never blinks

justice rides shiny and chrome into valhalla!!!

ffs xon

fire may not solve everything, but it solves a lot of things

let us take a moment to appreciate how much bigger lynneth's statue is

bottom, 7787, colorized

completely normal assembly

plati plix, hero

normal place everyone will go to





confronting evil

facing death

tasting defeat

gathering strength
Per our discussion on the issue of Unauthorized Descent, here is the original form of the law put forward by Marcellus, the White-modified form, and our proposed revision of the law.

Quote from: Marcellus DraftA person found guilty of entering al-Nasr or the depths below it, without the authorization and oversight of the Astronomers of Q'tolip, has committed Unauthorized Descent.

Minor: Acquiring components for, or conspiring to commit, Unauthorized Descent.
Serious: Possessing a key for, or participating in, Unauthorized Descent.
Capital: Concealing expeditions for, or causing harm through, Unauthorized Descent.


Quote from: Akna DraftA person found guilty of entering al-Nasr or the depths below it, without the authorization and oversight of the Astronomers of Q'tolip, or both sitting Legates, has committed Unauthorized Descent.

Minor: Acquiring components for, or conspiring to commit, Unauthorized Descent.
Serious: Possessing a key for, or participating in, Unauthorized Descent.
Capital: Concealing expeditions for, or causing harm through, Unauthorized Descent.


Quote from: Cosine DraftA person found guilty of entering al-Nasr or the depths below it, without the formal authorization and personal oversight of a ranking officer of the Astronomers of Q'tolip, has committed Unauthorized Descent.

Minor: Acquiring components for, or conspiring to commit, Unauthorized Descent.
Serious: Possessing a key for, or participating in, Unauthorized Descent.
Capital: Concealing expeditions for, or causing harm through, Unauthorized Descent.

While not our only interest, this reform stands as the foremost political concern of the Astronomers, and we seek with passionate force to effect it as soon as conceivably possible. I would like to meet with the both of you, ideally the two of you together, to further discuss this topic with the both of you and address any lingering concerns you may have.

Apothar Cosine Mevura
Correspondence / Clementine Hill
December 20, 2023, 07:33:03 AM
Herald on the Hill,

While I certainly do not object to reporting the statements of the Priory as given, I do not appreciate how you have characterized them. I am puzzled that you would open with "a confession by the Astronomers" and then follow up exclusively with quotes by Acolytes and Sisters.

Quote from: Loops on December 20, 2023, 06:59:05 AMHowever, despite the benevolence of the Sisterhood, a confession by the Astronomers leaves a dark shadow in its wake.

No such "confession" features in the handbill. It is immediately followed by a comment from Imizael Volkov.

I would ask that the situation be appositely described as allegation and accounts presented by the Cinquefoil Rose, rather than some admission of fault or folly in the part of the Astronomers.

Apothar Cosine Mevura
Correspondence / Letter to Hamdan al-Hamdan
December 08, 2023, 07:48:37 AM
Subat 7th,

I am told there is a reward for this.


Best regards,

Apothar Cosine Mevura
Suggestions / Soup Kitchen
December 07, 2023, 08:31:18 PM
I believe that the setting would benefit from a soup kitchen run by the White League or by the Scribes, distributing a disgusting but nutritious worm stew for 1gp.

Hasheema's Hope, the League of White office, the Drifter's Stockade, the Tablet, or similar locations with a theme of poverty or catering to the Voiceless masses would be perfect places for this vendor.
Correspondence / Letters to Estellise
November 09, 2023, 02:07:44 AM
Subat 8th, 7787 IY,

The Citadel has been quiet without you to keep me in trouble. Worse, it has been lonely. Even when I am surrounded by crowds or among familiar faces, I feel empty, uneasy, isolated. My heart has been aloof from the duties in front of me. I go through the motions. But I don't go with them. There is no feeling, no excitement. Even a long, soaring cruise into the gathering dusk has awakens nothing but a dreary impatience to return to bed.

I pressured Marcellus to purchase the doll that he promised you. I'll hold onto it until you return.

The Janissaries got me some of the Priory's brewing byproduct for you to study. And they'll be going back down in the depths with us soon, as we search for the analysis module.

Your apprentice,

x = a / b
Kanon Hray 21, 7787


It has been repeatedly asserted by the Scribes that License Administrator Maddicus Abalom engaged in reckless malfeasance throughout his custody of the Archaeology License. No records exist of the licenses he sold and, if such records did exist, they have seemingly disappeared or have been destroyed. Further, when authority over the Archaeology License was transferred to care of the Astronomers, it is broadly known that Maddicus continued to sell as many of these licenses as possible (both at his desk and in remote locations under the pseudonym "L") for weeks after the fact.

We need your help repossessing these licenses. We need you to search various archaeologists and destroy their revoked licenses. We will provide a list of valid licenses that will be excepted from this process.

Every time an archaeological application has been approved, we will add it to this list.

Thank you,

Apothar Cosine Mevura
Astronomer of Q'tolip
Suggestions / New Damage Types
October 11, 2023, 08:46:41 PM
      This is a comprehensive list of suggestions where the new damage types can be implemented in various spells, attacks, and creatures in-game. Everyone is more than encouraged to contribute ideas.

  • Barbarian Damage Immunity: Should include Ballistic.
  • Barbarian Perks: Gladiator, Huscarl, and Nomad perks should alter Ballistic immunity.
  • Sorcerer Perks: Bouldermancer should gain Ballistic immunity. Scion should gain Ballistic resistance. Hematologist should gain Ballistic immunity.
  • Fighter Perks: Man-at-Arms, Executioner, and Dual-wielder perks should also gain Ballistic immunity. Man-at-arms activated feature should also include Ballistic.
  • Rogue Perks: Thugs should gain Ballistic resistance.
  • Entropic Shield: Should also grant 20% immunity to Ballistic damage.
  • Stoneskin: Resistance should include Ballistic damage.

  • Beings who are immune to poison should be immune to Poison damage.
  • The poisoned status could inflict Poison damage every round. 1d6?
  • Healing Sting: Should be changed from Negative damage to Poison damage.
  • Quillfire: Should be changed from Piercing damage to Poison damage.
  • Cloudkill: Should be changed from Acid damage to Poison damage.

  • Beings who are immune to critical hits/sneak attacks should be immune to Bleed damage.
  • Dying: Should be changed from Magic damage to Bleed damage.
  • Resting: Automatic HP adjustment on canceled rest should be changed from Magic damage to Bleed damage
  • EFUSL: Automatic HP adjustment on login should be changed from Magic damage to Bleed damage
  • Wounding: Should be changed from Physical damage to Bleed damage.
  • Drowning: Should be changed from Magic damage to Bleed damage.
  • Executioner Fighter Perk: Level 8 bonus should be changed from Slashing damage to Bleed damage.
  • Keen Edge: Could grant +1 Bleed damage.
  • Drown (Spell): Should be changed from Magic damage to Bleed damage.
  • Extract Water Elemental: Should be changed from Magic damage to Bleed damage.

  • Starblight: Should be changed from Magic to Astral damage.
  • Stellar Blade: Should be changed from Magic to Astral damage.
  • Burst of Radiance: Should be changed from Magic to Astral damage.
  • Star Shard: Should be changed from Magic to Astral damage.
  • Lunar Bolt: Should be changed from Magic to Astral damage.
  • Solar Circle: Should be changed from Magic to Astral damage.

  • All summoned creatures in the Astral theme should have their bonus Magic damage and bonus Sonic damage replaced with Psychic damage.
  • Sorcerer Perks: Nightmare should be changed from Magic to Psychic damage.
  • Curse Song: Should be changed from Sonic to Psychic damage.
  • Vicious Mockery: Should be changed from Sonic to Psychic damage.
  • Wounding Whispers: Should be changed from Sonic to Psychic damage, especially the GSF Evocation benefit.
  • Clarity: Could provide absorption against Psychic damage, akin to Protection from Elements, ending early if overwhelmed.
  • Illykur's Mantle: Should also provide 10/- Psychic damage resistance.
  • Phantasmal Killer: Should be changed from Magic damage to Psychic damage, for both partial effect and death effect.
  • Mind Fog: Should inflict vulnerability to Psychic damage on a failed save.
  • Feeblemind: Death effect should be changed from Magic damage to Psychic damage.
  • Lesser Mind Blank: Could provide absorption against Psychic damage, akin to Energy Buffer, ending early if overwhelmed.
  • Mind Blank: Should provide immunity to Psychic damage, akin to Negative Energy Protection.

  • Failed Climbing Checks: Should be changed from Magic damage to Crushing damage.
  • Failed Boulder Lift: Should be changed from Bludgeoning damage to Crushing damage.
  • Gust of Wind: The GSF Evocation benefit should be changed from Magic damage to Crushing damage.
  • Heart Clutch: Should be changed from Negative damage to Crushing damage.
  • Evard's Black Tentacles: Would make sense, but would be massively overpowered due to Crushing damage penetrating immunities.
  • Future's Pain: Should be changed from Bludgeoning damage to Crushing damage.
  • Gravity: Should be changed from Magic damage to Crushing damage.
  • Collapsing Void: Should be changed from Bludgeoning damage to Crushing damage.

  • Earth elementals should have On Hit: Earth Damage, akin to the damage bonuses of other elemental types. This might require a proportionate adjustment of other stats for balance.
  • Djinn of Earth and Flesh should have their Acid damage replaced with Earth damage, where relevant.
  • Endure Elements/Resist Elements/Protection from Elements/Energy Buffer: Should protect against Earth damage, like it does other elemental effects.
  • Sand Splash: Should be changed from Piercing damage to Earth damage.
  • Sand Pillar: Should be changed from Piercing damage to Earth damage.
  • Call Lightning: Cavern effect should be changed from Bludgeoning damage to Earth damage.
  • Cone of Stone: Should be changed from Bludgeoning damage to Earth damage.
  • Sand Storm: Should be changed from Piercing damage to Earth damage.
  • Earthquake: Should be changed from Bludgeoning damage to Earth damage.

  • Commander Rogue Perk: 1% damage immunity should include Ballistic, Poison, Psychic, Crushing, and Earth. Intentionally not including Bleed and Astral.
  • Glass Doppelganger: Should be resistant to Psychic, Poison, Bleed, Earth, and Ballistic, but vulnerable to Crushing damage.
Suggestions / Scroll Homogenization
September 28, 2023, 07:36:02 PM
I've encountered many scrolls in the module that are the exact same spell but don't stack.

It would be distinctly helpful if scrolls could be homogenized in the same way that potions are.
Suggestions / Combining Wands
September 28, 2023, 07:32:34 PM
Throughout the module, there are many "stub" wands with only a handful of charges. In previous chapters, these were fun little trinkets. But the current limit on wands in the inventory makes it very punishing to hold onto these stubs. It would be a major quality-of-life improvement if we were able to combine charges of the same spell, perhaps up to a total of 30 charges, draining the uses of one wand to fill up another.

This would make it easier to replace old, nearly-spent wands with fresh purchases.

This would create a market for stub wands collected from low-level quests and from trash drops.

This would should make the wand limit itself a more interesting dilemma for resource management, as each wand slot becomes more valuable.
Correspondence / Sergeant Radislav Ludovich
September 10, 2023, 05:44:46 PM
One of our Ashfolk insisted on clarifying the exact terms of the document we filed for the Zenithar's satisfaction. Rather than put you through the ordeal of another lengthy, meticulous scribing session, I ordered him to prepare the final contract himself, and have attached it to this letter.

Quote from: Immunity ContractSolemnly agreed before the eyes of the Wroth, the Janissaries of the Fourth Legion formally grant immunity and protection to the Astronomers of Q'tolip against any form of legal procedure, punishment, or prosecution, against any extralegal retribution, and against any form of libel or slander, regarding to the following concerns:

  • All events that transpired during the Qdim 19th Incident, as well as any similar expeditions into the depths below Ephia's Well (such as the upcoming joint expeditions of the Astronomers and Janissaries).

  • All events that pertain to the research, construction, targeting, and activation of the magical artillery commissioned by the government of Ephia's Well (such as "the Gravity Slingshot" ordered by Legate Marcellus Saenus).

This immunity is conditional and predicated on the Astronomers of Q'tolip being a primary participant in the neutralization, destruction, capture, or containment of a terrible threat which currently plagues Ephia's Well, colloquially known as "the Gutter Beast," or as "the Tormented," or as a "Devil of Thirst." Upon the success of an operation against this creature, the conditions of this contract will come into effect.

This should match up with the particular boundaries of the agreement you sought to make with us.

Sign, keep a copy of your records, and send it back to us.

Apothar Mevura
Suggestions / Doorbell
September 05, 2023, 06:37:53 PM
The exterior/interior doors in player housing properties aren't connected and don't allow a visitor to "knock." Some properties are also large or separated enough that a knock wouldn't be heard anyway. I think that it would be a good, useful feature for homeowners to have some kind of bell system attached to their property signs, that alerts the owner to a potential guest trying to reach them.

This would have a secondary benefit of facilitating meetings with homeowners, which would then presumably happen inside the pertinent home.
Suggestions / Spell Recovery
August 29, 2023, 05:10:10 PM
I propose a gradual spell recovery script. In addition to regaining all spell slots on rest, I think it would be interesting for spellcasters (and reduce the feeling of helplessness on long journeys) to regain spells over time.

I'd suggest for this to be conservative, a long interval timer that refreshes a single expended spell slot each time it "ticks," up to the unmodified capacity of that character's class levels or whatever limit is convenient to script; it could just be a flat maximum of "one" recovered spell, for all it matters, use it or lose it.

Each spell level should have its own concurrent timer. This script could refresh a level one spell slot after 15 minutes, a single level two spell slot after 30 minutes, a level three spell slot after 45 minutes, a level four spell slot after 60 minutes, etc.
Suggestions / Crafter's Insight: Engineering
August 14, 2023, 10:12:30 PM
I think that the Crafter's Insight spell should also provide a bonus to Engineering.
Correspondence / Legate Zaniah Almirah
June 08, 2023, 07:30:08 AM
Honored and Venerable Legate,

The Zenithar Council has punctually reviewed your potential commissions. They are, as ever, pleased to be of service to the executive leadership of Ephia's Well.

Shade for the Tablet
  • It appears that I did, indeed, guess the correct number of pylons required for the expansion. 50,000dr will be sufficient to fund the project. However, the Zenithars would like to remind you that the independent spirit of the Tablet remains a major political obstacle; they will view your gift as a trespass upon their autonomy. Any casualties they suffer from the Ash Storms are considered a fair price to pay for their liberty; they do not want to live in our shadow, they do not want to live beneath our Shade. It will be up to you to convince them to change their minds.
Airship Commerce
  • This project has been judged infeasible at this time. We currently cannot fulfill your requirements, for any amount of money. There are not enough engineering Apothars adequately rated to sustain a gravitational barge of such long range and rigorous activity. Unless the Astronomers expand significantly, we cannot help you achieve your stated goal.
Anti-Teleportation Wards
  • This can be enacted immediately. 10,000dr per region.
Please feel encouraged to reach out with any other developments you might like us to effect on your behalf. It would be our distinct honor to help realize your vision for Ephia's Well.

Apothar Cosine Mevura

I've consulted with Zenithar Gaius Abael, one of our calmest and wisest archmages, going over my actions in contrite detail. He has concluded that the charges against me are "absurd," that the declared components of your plan are a "short-sighted" folly that places you as the catspaw of Sol Auk (who is himself decidedly toxic to the interests of the Sultan), and that he does not look forward to the "particularly tedious interruption to academia" that will arise if you continue to advance (intentionally or not) that Stonefolk's naked thirst to foment civil war. You should be more wary than you are of finding yourself on his side in this, even if it is what you say: a self-driven initiative.

For my part, I continue to reckon with myself.

I have found myself particularly haunted by the battle. When my colleague, Apothar Azimi, returned to her body, she screamed at me about how it was all my fault, yelling about how Lojir and Pirouette were never coming back, because I didn't join them, because I wasn't there. I know that there was nothing I could do. I know that I was prevented from pursuing her. But I know that it was traumatic experience. Their souls suffered the touch of unspeakable horror, and where was I to protect them? Worse still, I have begun to learn sickening things about the fate of my apprentice, twisting the knife of regret. I do not know why they did not tell me sooner. I do not know if it would be better if they did.

Wearing me down in a different way, some in this Tower vocally believe that I was wasting my time trying to rebuild the Purple League, that I was naive to think that its Voices would ever truly accept an Astronomer of Q'tolip as one of them, let alone as their candidate. It is true that I found Crown Princess Faziima to be an inspiring presence, welcoming, gracious even, that it was Apothars of all possible people who were invited to the coveted privilege of the Ecstatic Terrace. However, it is equally true that Rashid al-Rashid is far from an exception in the Purple electorate, that there are many who dream of a world without us, or who have already decided that reconciliation is impossible.

And it remains true that, beneath my outrage at perceived treachery, I do want more vigilance in matters of djinn. It is such an emotionally confused thing to be attacked on the very ground I normally advocate for. Of course, it is preposterous to be charged with treason on such a thing. Of course, there is no proven harm or risk. But of course, why shouldn't we want to be extra sure, just in case? If you had come upon it with another tactic, an explicit demand rather than a politicized trap, I would have been in your corner. Even now, I find myself stressed over fighting a cautionary premise, but my only alternative seems to be to allow a corrupt logic to prevail over the rule of law. It unbecomes a servant of Izdu to leave a tainted jurisprudence unchallenged.

Reflecting on our conversation, I find myself parroting your own words. Are you really going to judge these individuals on what they might do? You had a pact-marked brooker in your hands and you let him walk. Meanwhile, there's no direct proof at all that any of these targets have been corrupted, but you are still going after them. Because they might win the election? And might do something untoward with their position? Is there justice is that? Could you look the Wroth in the eye and say that your actions were righteous?

There is already someone misusing the title of Legate to hurt Ephia's Well.

And if you have your way, there will be even less to stop him.

Regardless of what you choose to do, my attention in the near future will be preoccupied by my work as an Astronomer. There is a Great Storm currently passing near the Rampart Nusrum and it needs to be monitored closely; it is unlikely to diverge toward Ephia's Well, but there is no reason to take chances with that. Let us hope it doesn't spur the Thousand Clans to do anything foolish.

Maribeh 8th, 7787,

I've spoken to my colleagues at length. It was about as productive as our own conversation. We seem to agree that the air between our organizations has become too poisoned to entrust to you something as sensitive as the topic I alluded to. Although I yet believe it is important to share with you, for the security of Ephia's Well, there is a reticence among the Astronomers, an anticipation that the scarabs will immediately burn us if we entrust any vulnerable details. That our work will be sabotaged. That we might lose human assets, traced from their reports, when the next tide rolls in and rinses away whatever bridges we've built between our sand castles.

In particular, there seems to be a surprising unanimity in negative expectations regarding  the Janissary I named. And there are not any soldiers that have distinguished themselves as particularly trustworthy. There's only you, and our relationship with you is strained and complicated at the best of times.

If you have a suggestion for putting old hatches to rest, I will hear you out. Because I am more concerned about this problem than I am angry with your recent decision.

But I do not see a way forward at this time.

Suggestions / Faction Accounts
February 28, 2023, 06:34:43 PM
Are you able to make current financial reserves for each faction viewable in their quartermaster area, either by speaking with the NPC or interacting with a special book placeable?

I think this will help motivate faction members to keep their reserves high, to be mindful who and how much they recruit, and otherwise engage with the political struggle for resources. This will be especially true if there is an in-game description explaining that faction wages come from this finite reserve. Additionally, I believe that the Astronomers should have a deposit for academic donations and private grants, that is to say, a direct line to bring contributions back to the faction war chest.

Any further analysis on recent expenditures, such as wages, research, equipment, etc, would also be interesting to note. But that might be too much trouble to implement, and possibly not worth the time investment.

It might also be interesting for there to be lists of prospective funding goals that further faction interests (e.g. long-term, non-urgent plot investments) if there's enough money to spend on such things. Off-map outposts. Distant expeditions. Debt payments. Building repairs. Reinforcements from Baz'eel. More scouting parties for the Chalice. Redundant mechanisms for the Shade. Et cetera.