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Topics - Karellen

Rivaros was my first EFU character, a rather featureless Awoken I had honestly expected to give up on. Being nearly an empty vessel, though, gave him a lot of room to become this or that - the theme of his character was basically that he came to the City of Rings with very little except a sense of curiosity and desire to see wondrous things, and a general tendency to be confused by events around him. He'd become whatever his surroundings molded him to be.

Among the first people he met were Hamood El-Sahel and Jacques Valencourt, whose abrupt deaths left him with a bleak sense of humour - but meeting Arkavin gave him a purpose, as he joined his quest for truths and deeper rings, which brought him all the way to the Grey Keep. Meeting Clifford made him a cautious rebel and, ultimately, an exile from Peerage Ward; meeting Amya made him want to do something good in the Rings; meeting the Geirssons made him want to find a home. His curiosity (and lack of discernment) involved him, ultimately, in all kinds of trouble, including various druidic shenanigans and joining a dog cult.

His goofy, excessively bright helmet, which he begun to have doubts about when he spent an entire theatrical battle performance polymorped into a chicken:

He spent a lot of time in Vestige, having moody conversations:

He could've ended up on a darker path, too! The Count's parade left a deep impression on him, as it was the most wondrous thing he had seen in the Rings to that day, and if someone'd asked him at the right time, he may very well have become one of Senuspur's hapless minions. Eventually, he sublimated this temptation into a loathing of the Count and his minions, though he always regarded the remaining Knaves with some grudging admiration. He was once nearly convinced to join Velstra, which would've gone terribly for him. Ultimately, Rivaros had the luck of finding good friends, and he died in battle beside those friends, in a strange, wondrous seam.