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Messages - CoffeeBean

Correspondence / Apthor Zol Nur
February 06, 2025, 07:15:07 AM
Live and drink, Apothar

We have never met, but I have heard many good things about your person from mutual acquaintances. I invite you to speak with me before the ninth of this week. When you are available, please find me.

Idrees al-Mirza
Voiced of the Purple League
Live and drink,

I, Idrees al-Mirza, write to you as a member of the Purple League. Given the recent occurrences within the Well, I would like to discuss a few things as soon as possible. Within the next day, if such is permitted. Please find me.

Glory to Sultan Osman the Sixth- blessed be his name.
Correspondence / Legate Sayburgh -- Revision list
February 04, 2025, 06:17:49 AM
Live and drink, Honored Legate,

These are all the locations of required revisions:


Scribe al-Mirza
Correspondence / Sergeant Rhuk Nor
January 30, 2025, 07:42:07 PM
Sergeant Rhuk Nor,

Initially I thought it would be best to handle this issue within an in-person discussion, but for the sake of conciseness, we will be 'hashing-out' the details over quill and parchment.

The predicament: After negotiating our deal, I ended up selling a certain sword that was within one of the 'approved-for-sale' chests and the owner, a soldier by the name of Hans, was rather upset. Now, threats against my person I can forgive, but calling an honest merchant as myself a THIEF, I cannot. Bear in mind that, after learning that I had sold an item that wasn't intended to be sold, I informed the soldier of the current owner. Regardless, given that I wish to maintain a positive working relationship with the Fourth Legion, I will not be seeking to renegotiate our agreement, nor seeking anything beyond an apology for the SLANDER against my honor as a merchant.
Furthermore, to prevent such occurrences from reoccurring, I would like to request that the six chests that I pulled items from be relocated to a more convenient place within the garrison and be renamed so that soldiers are aware that any item that goes inside will be considered sell-able wares.

I wish you well,
Idrees al-Mirza
Journals and Musings / Maysa's Mizzir Meditations
November 08, 2024, 09:42:11 PM
Reflections on Suffering and The State of Enlightenment

Upon deep contemplation of the Self within a haze of mizzir, I came upon a question: What is suffering and how is it caused? Unfortunately, it isn't as easy to understand it as it is to define it. We all have felt some sort of "suffering" in our lives, albeit some more than others, but what is the root of it? And, knowing that, is there a way to free ourselves from it?

To answer this for myself, I continued meditate- thinking upon the reasons I had felt suffering within the past two weeks, I came to a conclusion: suffering is a result of desire, or rather, the unfulfillment of desire. In knowing that, the path towards freedom from suffering be a result of living without desire, therefor suffering- right? No. Living without suffering is in of it self a desire, therefor it is unattainable- however, if it is your sole desire, than you can achieve it, for as it was previously mentioned, suffering is a result of unfulfilled desire.  Thus, we can say that living without suffering can be done so long as you limit your desires to those that can and will be fulfilled. This answer does not satisfy me however.

Many people see suffering as a bad thing, and to be fair, it is. But without suffering we do not grow; we do not experience the kinds of things that make life worth living. You cannot experience the joys of the world without the contrast. Thus, comes the last conclusion I made during meditation: Enlightenment, the state in which an individual obtains the greatest amount of fulfillment, occurs through devotion to purpose.
I don't know if I can properly communicate it, but sheer amount of time and effort you and the other Dms put into the server is amazing.

We're incredibly lucky to have you and the others. Thanks.
Correspondence / Zina of Zina's Emporium
October 15, 2024, 01:45:25 AM

I am a representative of the Fourth's legion Janissaries; under the approval of Soldier Zoturu. I write to you now on concern related to an item within your catalogue called 'The Snaked charmers' rod of Command' and it's tangential relation to the unholy Wyrm. While it isn't necessarily illegal to buy and sell the item, that aforementioned tangential link does raise some concerns.

We will need to speak in-person at the soonest possibility.

Innocence proves nothing,
Scarab Din
Suggestions / Alignment change option
September 19, 2024, 09:09:53 PM
Minor thing, but could a way to change ones' alignment in the start area be added? It'd be a small, but appreciated change.
Suggestions / Ranger spells
August 03, 2024, 01:30:30 AM
QuoteLiving arrows
Living Arrows
Innate level: 1
School: Transmutation
Target: Self
Range: Single
Duration: 1 turn per level
Save: Harmless

Arrows and bolts you touch become alive! When you hit a creature with a bolt or arrow, the ammunition will ricochet itself into a nearby target, dealing 1d4 damage.

Entangle arrow
Entangle arrow
Innate level:  1
School: Transmutation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: reflex

At a touch, you imbue your next shot with magical roots that binds its target for 1 round per level.
**adds a the on-hit property of tangle on next arrow.
** Replaces any current imbued effect on the next arrow
SF: Transmutation - adds 10% piercing damage vulnerability per round tangled.

Imbued arrow
Imbued arrow
Innate level: 2
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Special
Duration: 1 turn per level or when fired

Imbue your next arrow with elemental energy that contains one of three on-hit effects:

Fire - upon hitting its target, this arrow bursts into magical flame damaging nearby targets. All creatures hit take 1d4 fire damage per 2 levels to a (max of 5d4), taking half damage on a reflex roll. Additionally, creatures hit become marked by flame- removing and preventing invisibility and concealment for 1d4 rounds

Ice - Upon hitting its target, this arrow causes the creature to take 1d6 per 4 levels of cold damage (max of 3d6) + 1 cold per level. Additionally, upon a failed fortitude save the target is chilled, becoming slowed for 2d2 rounds.

Acid - Upon hitting the target, the target takes 1d4 acid damage per round for 3 rounds. If the target dies within this time, they explode in a corrosive gas dealing 1d4 acid damage per 2 levels (maximum of 5d4) to surrounding creatures. Additionally, creatures hit by the explosion must make a will save or be dazed for 2 rounds

Arrow of Lightning
Arrow of Lightning
Innate level:  3
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: reflex

You shatter your next arrow into lightning that, once hits its target, wrecks havoc among your enemies. The initial target takes 1d6 per 2 levels of lightning damage (max of 5d6) or half that on a successful reflex save. The bolt then will bounce from hostile target to hostile target within its range unendingly until a reflex save is made or there is only one target left. Each bounce does 1d4 lightning damage per 3 levels (maximum 4d4 at 12).
** Difficulty Class should decrease per bounce.

Hunters' mark
Hunters' mark
Innate level:  3
School: Transmutation
Range: Long
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: None

You mark at target with your ire and transform your animal companion into a spirit of the hunt. While under the influence of this spell, your animal companion hounds the target and gains the following benefits:

- becomes immune to attacks of opportunity
- Enters rage
- Gains darkvision
- Ignores collision
** Animal companion cannot see invisible, but remains aware of their location.
** The animal companion retains this buffs if the target is slain foe the remainder of the duration.

Additionally, I'd like to suggest removing blade thirst and aid as ranger spells, and then give rangers access to 3 level spells sooner. Maybe also give more spells per level.
As I awoke- the day after I were gifted my vision of the pyre from Amelie, I recalled a dream. A dream of an inferno, swirlin' like an ashcloud; Howling like a wounded animal; the heat- the raging flame- it was unlike the desert heat of the ash, dry and suffocating. It was alive- ANGRY.

                               It still burns even now
                                                                                  within me;
                                                            A raging inferno
Suggestions / Aspect Prism Rework
July 17, 2024, 08:16:26 PM
So, given that they're pretty hard to find now days and your chances of getting the aspect you desire is 1 in 40- I'd like to make a small suggestion to towards a change in how the prisms work.

It wouldn't be too much of change, only that each prism can be used multiple times (up to about five probably), but each time it is used, the chance of success goes down as the DC for success goes up. My suggestion for ascending difficult class would be 15, 25, 35, 40, 50.
Bought a book. Figured it'd be a good record my thoughts, given that so much has changed for me in the past couple days. Hells, even if I don't, at the very least this journal can be a little extra padding against the next arrow shot my way.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Samton Ashworth
July 07, 2024, 08:11:42 PM
Working alongside my mentor was a nice change of pace, but I do envy their genuine passion for discovery. Not to say I haven't been enjoying myself, but I can't shake this nagging feeling that something is coming. That, whatever Kha'esh is searching for, will be the beginning of something awful.

All that to say this: I'm afraid.
Live and drink, Boic

I am in agreement with a majority of terms presented, but there are a few specifics I would like to amend before signing. Check clauses 4,5, and 7.

Terms of Contract
The Banda Rossa Mercenary Company
Scribe Alric Greywood
Maribeh 10th, IY 7788

This Contract will define the terms of service as established between Scribe Alric Greywood and the Banda Rossa. Both parties are of clear mind, health, and wit when the Contract has been drafted.

To Escort and Defend Alric Greywood and company upon archeological excursions beyond the Walls of Ephia's Well.

The main goals as stated by Alric Greywood are currently the personal escort of himself during digs beyond the walls of Ephia's Well to the Giant's Road. These will include but are not limited to-
Horrid Beasts of the Wastes
Dark Witchcraft
Hostile Archeologists or Assassins
Agents of a Foreign Power
Violent Attempts to halt his Field Studies
Ancient Defenses both mundane and magical

The Terms, should both parties be in agreement are as follows.
  • A sum of One Hundred (100) dinars per Soldari for the simplistic route to the Giant's Road, a flat fee of two hundred (200) dinars for any specialty dig encountered.
  • An escort when purchased to follow in defense. Alric and Company will attend magical boons to the Soldari guards whenever such is available.
  • Any extra company in toe of the Soldari representing anyone other than the Banda Rossa will not be charged to Scribe Alric Greywood and have their rights to the spoils lessened below that of the of the Archeologists or Paid Escort.
  • Spoils of archeological nature will be forfeit by the Soldari. Mundane supply suck as waters, potions, and lesser trinkets will be split fifty-fifty (50/50) between both parties, contested objects of this category shall be decided upon via dice rolls.
  • Items of particular interest to the Soldari can be requested from Alric Greywood's mentor after such items have been thoroughly examined by the Astronomers.
  • In the event the Soldari are to encounter so named "Inheritors" a hazard pay of an extra hundred (100) dinars.
  • Changes in the current contract, such as increasing wages, must be negotiated with Alric Greywood.
  • All required Sundry and Supply will be provided by the Banda Rossa for their Soldari. This will include consumables, lodging, and travel costs for their number.

Boic Canide
Representative of the Banda Rossa

Representative of the Scribe Alric Greywood

~ Alric Greywood