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Messages - CoffeeBean

Correspondence / A letter to Chancellor Isabella
May 29, 2023, 07:58:40 PM
Lady Veend,

I write to you now not as a Janissary, but as a loyal member to the league of purple - If  possible, I would like to request a public  listing of all current members. Doing this would allow us to see if there are any individuals who do not truly fit within our league and let us more effectively lobby together.

Live and Drink ,
Loyal Member Ferric Aseph
Correspondence / Re: Janissary Aseph
May 29, 2023, 02:21:23 AM
I have received your letter, and thank you for your assistance in the matter. While not the accusation levied over the bellows, when discussing the matter with an unnamed Astrologist, this was recorded:

QuoteUpon discussion with the Astrologist, they said that the former Astrologist Lojir believed that the Alchemist's Guild are providing tools and chemicals to Shahlil Shadowbrook. No records have been produced of Lojir's claims.

Further, it is worth speculating that this may not have anything to do with the closed facilities- but rather something the Astrologist made assumptions about or had other incentives to provide this information.

Live and Drink,
Janissary Aseph
Fellow league  members,

It is my hope that you see these false members as I do- individuals with no respect for our tenets and merely signing their names upon our books in a base attempt to grab power for themselves.  They seek power for their own interests, not for the Well's- and our league was ever only a convenient vessel for them to achieve such power. It is thus that we ought expel these false members, for their very presence within our noble league goes against the spirit of the tenets we adhere to.

To this end, I place my signature upon this petition to formally request the false member TOLEIGH to be expelled from the League of Purple.


Janissary Ferric Aseph - Loyal member of the League of Purple
Suggestions / Revamp Search tool?
May 27, 2023, 09:07:27 PM
Would it be possible to make the "search pack" player tool to easier to use?  While it isn't necessarily impossible to use it as it was intended, the way that it provides a glimpse into another players pack is rather cumbersome for the searcher.  The large list of items it provides are usually all colored the same in text and it gets increasingly harder to sort out items that may be illegal from the rest of the pack depending  on how many items that player has.

The easiest solution I could think of was to recolor all illegal items names so they stand out among the mass, but I get that might not be practical.
Suggestions / Explorables
May 24, 2023, 12:50:16 AM
Suggestions / Suggested Monk Changes:
May 18, 2023, 07:56:23 PM
A) If possible, move Ki strike +1 to level 6, Empty body to level 10, and Quivering palm at 11

Ki Strike +1

This becomes useless after finding a +1 glove or having a caster use Magic weapon the monk. The worst thing this could do at level 6 is let a monk strike through ghostly visage. 

Empty Body 

A fitting reward for getting to level 10, while it seems perhaps a little strong at first glance, the duration is only 1 round per level, so you only get concealment for about a minute at most. Additionally, blind fight halves this into 25%. 

Quivering Palm

Past level 10 is app territory, so why not provide monks who make it this far with a 1/day instant death attack? Wizards, Druids, and Clerics all have instant kill spells at earlier or equal levels after all. 

B) Add some additional effects provided by the feat wholeness of body

Let wholeness of body provide 2 rounds of lesser sanctuary DC: 10 + level/2 + Wis mod base 


Let wholeness of body cast remove poison on monk
Suggestions / List of minor suggestions
May 17, 2023, 09:09:51 PM
1) Give half-elves a +1 to charisma and a +1 to dex. Balance it out with a -2 to con. I think this'll make playing a half elf more interesting to build for.

2) Make tailoring a Charisma based skill

3) Make Building, Mining, and Smithing strength based

4) Make Consecration a wisdom based skill
Suggestions / Re: Sorc Spell bonus return
May 17, 2023, 07:42:56 AM
I'm going to bump this as a recent necro sorcerer.  It's been hard not reconcepting into a wizard because of how choked for spells I feel.

Although, I would be perfectly fine if only the third circle spells got readjusted. it just currently feels bad because in addition to knowing less spells across the board, all other casters will have access to 5th circle before your sorc does- if your sorc ever does.
Suggestions / Re: Spells Suggestions Thread
May 03, 2023, 04:07:10 PM
Entropic Shield change

Add 2/- flat dr vs piercing damage
- increase dr by 1 for every additional spell focused: abjuration 

This way it has a place even outside ranged combat, but doesn't overshadow blurring.
Correspondence / A message for the Torchbearers
May 03, 2023, 03:40:53 PM
A message left at the Krak for when the Torchbearers might pass through


I have seen your fliers around the city and would like to meet with one of your members to discuss my recruitment into your outfit.

When you are available, make a bellow for Aelar and we shall meet if I am able.
Suggestions / Re: Module Change Request Thread
April 26, 2023, 08:57:23 PM
Please add some Trashcans to the Krak- I don't think there are any in the public room.
Suggestions / Feat suggestion - Powershot
April 26, 2023, 07:03:03 AM
As an alternative to rapid shot:

Feat: Powershot
Prerequisite: Point-blank shot

Effect: Active:  Taking your time, you focus and put all your effort into the impact of one shot. Forgo all extra attacks with your ranged weapon and increase the damage of your ranged attack by 5
Suggestions / Re: Spells Suggestions Thread
April 21, 2023, 04:42:48 PM
Envenom Weapon

Druid 3
School: Transmutation
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Self
Area of Effect: Melee weapon
Duration: turn per level
Save: No

Description: The caster coats their weapon with toxins. The weapon will do d2 extra acid damage and imparts a 20% chance for the weapon to apply poison.

SF: Transmutation - Poison chance increased to 25%
GSF: Transmutation - Poison chance increased to 35%