Stargazer Adventurers

Started by swoon, April 28, 2010, 07:12:16 AM

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Just seeing Orgeribbit's thread, I remembered I had taken some screenies of our adventures together so I thought I'd put them up here, however belated they may be!

If I remember it was a goal of ours to tackle some of the lesser-played Stargazer tribes and kill the illusion that Stargazers were all just weak pacifists. I think we did alright in that regard.


Waiting for Orgeribbit, so fat and lazy

Cruising through EFU's lovely wilderness areas is a treat. The areas are extremely well designed and Mort's custom tilesets are ballin'.

Yekal admired Werewolves but despite rumors was actually not one!

Team Nature rescuing a Wolf Tribe huntress from the hated Wyvern tribe, and one of the beasts they worship

Yekal and Orgeribbit accompanied Hrutah to the depths of the Forgotten Forest, where he unlucked the secret power of the Bear after a sweet rumble with his Elder's enormous companion

Orgeribbit's first (and ultimately unsuccessful, but very cool) attempt at the Bloodmage ritual

I highly recommend a wilderness PC, they are alot of fun.

Rock on EFU.


one vicious scary midget, sick char man


Wish Mau the Panther had more of a chance to roll with the terrible trio of bear, frog (Toad) and wolf.  Caught me at a busy time in RL.  Great PC's that really showed Stargazers aren't just funny talking, cute little savages. You guys whipped some serious arse.


A few from me, then. Had an absolute blast together, guys.

Orger's second attempt at the Bloodmage ritual:

And that Wyvern thing. From slightly different perspective >.>

I'll look if I have more when I get the time.