More "Good" Loot

Started by Egon the Monkey, October 19, 2008, 03:15:33 PM

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Egon the Monkey

Yup, the Ghoul CHain does come with a free Druidic and Paladin Bullseye.
However, the powerful equippables and trinkets don't.

UMD policy is "Would it be IC for your char to use this?" Because a Good bard isn't going to wear an Evil god's talisman, and a Neutral one might not either. I mean, Grasp of the Ghoul has no restrictions, but my TN Necromancer isn't actually going to use them because he finds them particularly revolting. He has a personal dislike of Undead and isn't going to wear their hands.


Hah well there used to be a quest where you would be fighting some probably more good aligned folks who could have dropped things like that (I didn't do it that often and actually forgot), but then evil fighting evil is always easier justify-able than good fighting other good..
Yeeeah I can see the problem there.

I can has fun?

The ambient loot suggestion thread could always use some more love. Think of it like an ongoing contest to change the server! If I ever get to a place where I have more time for EfU:A (hopefully soon!), I plan on spamming that thread with some ideas I've had kicking around.

Remember, if you don't like what's here, you can always suggest something new!