Sah'rdi'nii. The lengthy tale.

Started by FishyBusiness, February 26, 2011, 12:42:49 PM

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I first met Trout as Aessar and what learned fish he was.

Excellent story though, this is what I like to see. A screenshot thread full of memories that can be shared and enjoyed by all!
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


I liked Sah'rdi'nii, but didn't see him much. =[


OMFG!!! Seriously! Kahuu is just going to go insane!

Trout was awesome, and I loved every interaction we got to have.


Trout= Awsome, I am sad you died *Sadface*
Trout, and prancing ones great adventure will never happen now saddly, He will find a fish and take it with him in memory of trout, and he will cherish that fish as a good friend- *Sniffles*


Trout was one that Niven secretly had a crush on... mostly for being kind showing things (get your mind out of gutter), sharing tales, and basically convincing Niven to move out of the d"cursed stone" and live on the new isle that she found herself.  This is my first character on this server.... and Trout was on of the first beloved characters that I met and got to know..... now that I have the money to goto spend at the underwater village.... Trout is not around to take me there.... However I may be able to get there myself now.... but trip won't be same without you.


Trout will be missed by friend and foe alike.  Great character!


You know my thoughts, Fishy. I had good times on Aarak'i with K'ita and Trout. If you ever want to hook up on Team Nature again, I'm up for it.


Well done sir.  Well done.

Spiffy Has


Super char.  I was always interested in what he had to say whenever a char of mine interacted with him.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Where are the baby eating screenshots?


Great character, keep them coming.


A character I came to greatly enjoy as an ally, enemy and all things in between through the span of at least two of my own characters.

Well done, Sirrah.


Fantastic character fish.  Truly the biggest in game force for the 'Gazers and one for Team Nature as well.  Brought my character back from the verge of giving up twice.  Bear will miss Trout very much and will always dream of feasting on that giant spectral salmon. As a player I will also miss the enruchment provided by Trout's stories both IG and on the forums (play a Gazer so you can rad them people!).