Animate Dead lower level spell..

Started by godofpaincc8, April 09, 2011, 12:38:27 AM

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i know it seems like im trying to just enpower players but i think animate dead should be 4th level rather than 5th because not many characters usually make it to 5 lvl spells as it is hard to survive for so long the reason why is that many necromancer players dont have many spells for their specialization... I love necro characters and for necros to be able to animate it would mean reaching 9th level for them... even though you would think that such spiecalized would have studied the spell as it is a key spell in a necros arsenal. I would recommend such changes otherwise adding a few more necro spells as made by the DMs or player ideas.. :) hope to see this looked at and reasoned.

you axed for it

Seriously massive amounts of Animate Dead charged ambient loot to compensate.


Clerics get animate a little sooner. You might want to try a cleric of Velsharoon next time around.

Lots of animate dead charges drop, specifically on weapons. If you widen the number of items you can equip you will have better odds of using the more esoteric animation charges.

Make sure you take the feats Spell Focus Necro and Greater Spell Focus Necro. This will increase the amount of undead you can control at once, as well as provide the potential for stronger animations.


There is lots of animation loot around indeed. The quests where it drops are  rather obvious too. If you make proper use of it constantly I bet a DM  will even take pity on you and hand you a 1/day (or better) animation  tool.

Otherwise going for a cleric the next time is a viable option aswell as stated.


ok cool guys thanks for telling me though i hardly ever get loot for animation sadly :( i know what to do make a mage/priest of velsharoon and have necromancy main thing lol would be perfect ok thanks for telling me what you did. See ya in game people


If you really want to specialize with animating the dead as a arcane spellcaster why not try for the Pale Master class, if it is within the characters character I encourage you to app for it and not "Just go with a necromancer" because you don't need an app.

This will also allow the DMs to know you are trying to involve yourself with undeath and likely lead to animating/undeath themed loot.

Drakill Tannan

Having animate loot is hardly the same as having the spell. Using items you cannot animate numerous corspes at once, nor animate corpses and summon creatures at the same time. That said Arcane necromancers are, in my experience, the most powerfull ones because while they can't always have something animated when they do, due to their spells and superior intelligence/spellcraft/alchemy it becomes far stronger and better buffed.

I think what would be best would be to create a perk that allowed the PC to create an undropable/untradable tome of animation for a gold and XP cost. Maybe i'm just unlucky, but i remember using every ocacion i had to farm nightrisers in the sewers, do the jergal's temple quest and i still couldn't find many animate death casting items.


I run into animate dead all the time. From stockpiles of items, to dozens of scrolls. Heck I've seen four 1/day random animate dead loot drop within the past month alone.

They are there. Sometimes, you need to have people that'll bring them to you when found, rather then seeing the drop yourself.


This has been discussed to death.


...Did Howland just make a pun?

Drakill Tannan

As i said, maybe i was just unlucky. Thouhgh it would be cool if wizards could use wands of animte dead made by clerics. Again, just saying


though wands made by clerics to use and 4th level necromancy would be great, i would have to say the DMs and others are right, you can apply for a palemaster and if a wizerd wants to can team up with others and learn the hard way, also massive amounts of undead summoning loot drops, though not as many as you lvl up but still plenty to play with.


Yeah but what i am saying is to really use animate dead the spell either you have to be a cleric necromancer which in my eyes, even though they get the spell earlier is a shorter life as clerics do have to spread the word of their god and perform services for them to the point of not being stupid but they still have to and sooner or later somebody hears it and boom everyone knows that character is most likely doomed unless they have the license to animate. But even then they still have to spread the word of their god and if your a follower of Velsharoon you are most likely doomed. As opposed to being a spellcasteer and being able to keep such things secret and maybe if they are as lucky as everyone else and get some loot, they still can only have one at a time summoned making necromancy in a way weak... Just wanted to point that out loots good but only if people are selling it or your finding it. And once its used its gone true necromancers wouldn't settle for loot they would study to the death to find the secrets of animation through their own power so forth causing perhaps a level drop for animate dead. And for those who find a 1/day animate loot congratz but having the loot does not make you a necromancer accomplishing such power on your own makes you a necromancer as well as with the other negative powers.


While your post was a little tl;dr, I would like to point out that one of the servers most successful and long lived Clerics was a Cleric of Velsharoon, Raymon Coolidge. To assume that being a known Necromancer is automatic death is a little silly, especially on EFU.

I think that playing any necromancer successfully, by which I mean actually making changes and attaining a level of notoriety and not simply being 'necromancer x', merits a certain amount of skill and decorum and isn't something that should be easily achieved.

Drakill Tannan

You just need evil alies.

It's a tradeoff really. Cleric necromancers animate more often because they don't have to spend items, and animate shambling corspes, not just orcs and ogres. However asides from the special turn undead replacement that makes zombies stronger, the animated dead will be weaker compared to one of a wizard because of the buffing spells you can use, as well as the upgrades you can give it due to the lower alchemy/spellcraft skills. Also wizards have acces to certian very good items to support undead.

Clerics = more animations
Wizards = more powerfull animations
Sorcerers = probably suck