Dance to the Beat

Started by Jayde Moon, April 22, 2011, 03:13:40 AM

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Jayde Moon

Savage little girl and her drums...

QuoteThis character was created on Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 at 07:27:10 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 115 times.
The character has spent 7 days, 1 hour, 31 minutes, and 49 seconds online.

Holy CRAP!

Wow, I had a great time with this character!  I did not get to do some of the things I initially set out to do, but the character grew and became something a whole lot more.

Thanks to everyone who took a role in her story.  Big ups to Howland for supporting this character, even though he would have to stay up REALLY late to do it!  Mad love to all the DMs for EfU, whether you did anything for Drum or not :P

To the players, my hats off to all of you.  So many great characters I got to interact with.  Leged, Imari, Hrundar, Shaorgryll, Booni, Akoon, Trout, Izzy, Ghost, Qa'zar, Dorf, Bear, Laroo!, Emma Snow, Stygians, Ordermen, Team Nature... if I didn't mention you, it's because this list would get ridiculous!

If you haven't played a Stargazer yet, I urge you to make that your next concept, Team Nature is a wonderful crew and full of great players.. well, just like every other faction out there.

Without further ado:

The early days...

The ever flighty Imari, Savant Extraordinaire!

Shaorgryll, Jungle Brother who walks like a Man

Leged pwning up on some pitiful werebeast... Gralothog or some such...

Storytime at the Exile Camp.  Went well until the Order men started knocking skulls around.  Stupid Ordermen :P

Fun with Summons

Rats pwn Orc

Imari, Master of the Obvious

The Moot

Team Nature ponders the fate of Ymph

Line up in Alphabetical Order, now...

Rub the kitties tummy...

An offering in the Shrouded Wood, Drum's first visit...


to Trance!

Later, Drum leads others, as a Shroudwalker...

Team Halfling got to the Heart First... Drum's intuition leading them through the mist

They all enter the circle...

Except the Dwarven Thane who looks on disapprovingly... naked dancing halflings are not his style...

But eventually, even HE ses the fun in frolicking in dark dank woods...

Meeting Snow, the Farseer...

Lol, Stargazers.

Epic swamp battle...

Imari's newfound bold aggression is worrisome...

Drum walks into the moonset, the Pack stays behind to fight for Ymph...


wtf. Imari is abandoned, again. :evil: *le sigh*

Had some amazing times though! Also I don't think anyone will ever forget that drum stick :D BOO DA MEM!!!


Great Character! Lots of fun times, Shroudwalker Drum is Awesome!


Oh my god finally--

I mean, nicely done, Jayde!

Spiffy Has

Amazing as always Jayde.

The Old Hack

Nooo, Drum! I liked her!

Ah well. Looking forward to your next character.


Booo! Drum was one of the most wonderful concepts and I'm really sad to see her gone.


Drum = Awesome, but you know this.


I am saddened to hear this.
Well done!


Say it ain't so!

  Great PC!