A coment on DM quests/events and rewards

Started by Drakill Tannan, July 31, 2011, 06:37:47 AM

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Drakill Tannan

Something quick that jumped to my mind, not a complaint. Much less because the event that triggered the thought on me was freakin awsome but..

I've noticed DMs often reward warrior-types of PCs very well supply-wise. That's all good. But in all my EFU history only once i've seen consumable rewards for wizards/sorcerers or spellcasting-focused PCs. And only one of them felt like the right amount (The other i felt like it hadn't been enough, considering the magintude of the event, wich was a gnoll invasion to the ziggurat some time ago) While on special events focused on them they do get good items, spontaneous quests often ignore them completly reward-wise except for the gold (in my experience).

Mages use lots of supplies too. In this particular quest the mage used several charges of Summon creature V (couldn't have been cheap!) and Cure critical wounds, while another PC used charges of ice storm. I think it would be a good idea to add, among the sea of potions offered to warrior types, 2-3 wands of spells (25+ charge wands) such as: Fireball, Darkness, Magic missile (9) specifically thought for the mages of the quests (that is, don't add them when there were no wizard but there was a bard)

Just a thought, not attacking, whining or complaining.

Big Orc Man

I think you're right!

In the hubbub of trying to whip up a reward quickly, it's easy to go for catch-all supplies that really don't help mages as much.  I often try to add in some good scrolls and the like, but that is often time-consuming!

I'll definitely try to balance that more in the future.

Egon the Monkey

Something I really like seeing is when a DM drops some of the Warlock/Arcanist Satchels that a bunch of 5-10 use offence wands and some scrolls. It's always better on a mage when you've got the firepower supplies to contribute more than invis healing when you're not rigged to blast stuff. Those come in a variety of tasty flavours ;).


Make it unusable through UMD, before every Bard/ Rogue multiclass gets ideas. Just Wizard or Sorcerer, please.


This is a wonderful idea. Potions of Grammar and Spelling, please.

But it would but quite nice to add some wands for spice loot, mages of course. Or potent magical cakes : )