*Wage system bug*

Started by Nights Bane, April 01, 2012, 09:26:21 AM

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Nights Bane

My character Behn Spynner is in house Caermyn.  He is also a 'civil servant' as he became 'High Merchant' of mistlocke.

He gets a message

'Wage system - civil servant wage of 10 gold pieces paid directly into your mistlocke bank account;

I have double checked.  No gold is paid in.

You can imagine i feel a little 'stung' everytime i see this message now! it could be a conflict between my caermyn wage and the civil position, or elsewise i dont know what it is.




Is the gold paid into your Caermyn bank account instead?


I've asked many times in the Faction Forum and have yet to receive and answer, so maybe here someone will know.

In the Conclave:  

Do you only get the wage if you are Bonded?  

If yes, thank you.

If no, there are a few of us (even one that I think is bonded) that is not receiving the wage.


You get the wage at induction and I believe you all already have it. Just needs a few tweaks first.