The Queen's Court of Sialoortania

Started by Capricious, January 26, 2014, 02:30:14 PM

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Recommended Alignment: Any, but Chaotic and non-Good are likely better fits.
Recommended Race: Any.
Recommended Class: Any but Paladin.

“Welcome honored guests to the Queendom of Siarloorania!
In time, a domain of cold and ice shall be built.
A place for the strong who are not so frightened
as to hide behind the Sorcerous Shroud.
A place for the fierce!”


  Norsemen, Vikings, barbarians of the frozen Northlands who shun the protection of civilization to forge their own lands in the brutal wilderness.This is the founding concept of the Queen’s Court of Sialoortania. A gathering of the strong and savage-minded who look to live in their own way, protect their lands, and bring the fight to the aberrations that now control the world under the skies above.
  Though essentially a nature concept, it’s not truly built with the typical EfU nature goals in mind. This is not a fight for the Balance, though respect is paid to the natural world, and it is not meant to hide in the wilds. The Queen’s Court is not hostile to civilization in principal, and will welcome those who respect their claim to the Windy Caverns. However, little respect is held for the strict, inflexible ways civilized men cling to.

    The Queen’s Court is not a faith based group, though deference is certainly paid to the Furies. Also, any willing to embrace the Queen’s word and the savage, fierce ways of her Court will be welcomed regardless of background.
  Also, there will be many boisterous feasts and brawls!


  Faction Base: The Windy Caverns
IRC Channel: #icequeen


We have quite a bit of fun cooking so far, and much more to come. I do want to stress, this isn't a nature concept only. Think more Northlanders with barbaric customs, but also accustomed to villages and trade, so they don't see civilization as unnatural, just soft.

Also, it would be helpful to know that this faction is typically active in US evenings. If you want to chat details, or simply ask questions, feel free to join us at #icequeen


Sialoortania, now with 100% more snow.


Had a setback with the death of Quaregg, but this concept isn't over by a long shot. Now the Queen needs a new Warlord, though any concept that fits as living outside Sanctuary works. Note, it's not faith based, it's a barbarian tribe that enjoys things cold.

If you want to talk ideas or ask questions join #icequeen



I really suggest joining the sexiest Queendoom (sic) of the server.


I'm bumping this because I really do have some cool things coming up! It's tough to play a nature PC, but the challenges should be embraced and it will show people a side of the PW they haven't yet seen. If you haven't played a nature PC this chapter, a player group such as the Queen's Court can show you the ropes.

Stop in at #icequeen if you've got interest.

Bouquet of Roses

If you haven't yet tried to play a nature PC, but don't want to rely on the DM Faction for allies-
I can only recommend this.
Loosely tied group of crazies who like it cold!
Aurilite Wizards, Sorcerers or Clerics especially welcome!

It can definitely be a challenge to play a nature PC, but if you stick with it, it's totally worth it.

Bouquet of Roses

Even with Sialoorta gone, the Realm persists!

Join the Winterwolves today!

In more seriousness, though
If you fancy the idea of a savage barbarian tribe type, this might be for you!


Winter King Yild and penguin Gunter, they shall seek a new Ice Queen!

Bouquet of Roses

King Ylid of NOTHING!