Slaver Group - el-Hashem's Living Commodities!

Started by Ryan, July 07, 2013, 10:26:14 PM

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If you're without a concept right now and are looking to indulge in something less than noble then this might be the thing for you - I need a few people to join me for a (short term or potentially long term) slaver group, making deals with Manchakans, selling off your grandma for a few ducats, etc. I have a definite end goal in mind for my character which you could possibly get in on, if you're so inclined.

We'll be dealing in slaves, obviously, so concepts built around that would be ideal, be it thugs, fragile rogues, callous arcanists, or, if you're willing to roll with it, a slave. (Or a former slave - PM me for details!)

PvP is inevitable, so build your character accordingly.

QuoteAlignment: Anything but good would be at home here.

Notes: If you want to make a Fighter for this group, I recommend taking the "Slaver" perk.
Shoot me a PM and I'll explain things in more detail!