Workshop (Alchemy) Explorable Hatches should be Labeled

Started by Aethereal, August 08, 2019, 10:49:41 AM

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This suggestion is to have a label upon the workshop (alchemy) explorables to clearly separate it from other explorables. It can be flavourful such as "a grate exuding the telltale stench of alchemical experimentation", or just very clearly "an abandoned alchemical laboratory". As long as it's very easy to distinguish it from other explorables.

Even though there is a not-safe transition warning, these explorable hatches containing an alchemy laboratory carry a greater risk than the ordinary explorable due to the potential presence of an abyssal slag or other nightmarishly potent spawn of planar chaos. This can become a huge disappointment for exploring PCs who aware of the risks, make their full preparations but still might die simply due to the powers of these terrors borne of alchemical catastrophe.

The following testimony inspired this suggestion:

Quote from: cadizthe issue is that not knowing the server well i have no idea of the variety of stuff there is the other side of these things, so have had several really shitty deaths as i transitioned
so even fully buffed and able to face everything else i have seen in the drips etc these things kill me before i can actually do anything
it just results in a not going anywhere to explore mindset, which in turn means i dont learn about the server
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Adding an extra clickable transition once you're inside the hatch would go a long way towards helping prevent this, perhaps with some kind of "crafting area" description.

Knight Of Pentacles

Perhaps a descriptor of the area/room you're about to enter having the smell of fumes. 


I 100% support the idea of, if not hatches to alchemy labs being labeled as such, at least having a different name than the generic hatches so over time players can notice and understand that these specific hatches carry much larger risk and low/no reward for their PCs. Too many players have mentioned transitioning into what they expected to be an explorable only to die before the loading screen ends to some alchemy-created monster. It's CoR's version of Drop Bears but more frustrating because it's unwitting and courteous players doing it entirely unintentionally.

I really like the idea, even if it's just a temporary thing until the alchemy bench system in changed or updated as it sounds like it will be, of labeling the hatches to alchemy labs as something like [A hatch leading to a laboratory below.]
That's my purse! I don't know you!


Another solution could be to add a threshold which ordinary explorable grates lead to - a safe landing zone as it were - which then leads to a transition into the actual laboratory space/danger zone. That way people landing in from the initial exploration grate can just go: "NOPE NOPE", and turn around when they see that the laboratory transition leads to a hostile presence.

I can't see this being abused by alchemists either because the laboratory space will still be contaminated if they ended up calling an abyssal slag or whatever else.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


I don't think it's a bad idea to give most of the laboratories their own spawning name to differentiate them from other randoms.  I have done so.

There are some other alchemical labs that are mixed in with other themes, feel free to suggest any that lack some kind of transition area to reduce the chances of a wandering newbie dying in them.