Remove/Tweak Disarm from NPCS

Started by Cruzel, October 11, 2019, 03:34:15 AM

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Not the first time it's come up, but man. This is beyond frustrating when it happens. We seem to be getting more and more NPCS with this feat, and it's getting more and more frustrating when it happens.

Typically, the only mobs that have disarm are ones that spawn in huge groups. Once you lose your weapon, it tends to disappear in piles of corpses/lootbags, or be totally inaccessible because of collision models.  Occasionally, it can even glitch into the terrain if you're super unlucky and you'll need a DM to try and help you get your weapon back.    It messes up quickslots and spellslots alike if you have them, and god help you if you're a relic guardian and you lose your relic weapon. 

It's possible and the easiest solution is to make it so disarm from an NPC just puts it into your inventory, instead of the ground and this would be vastly preferred.

But this is not something that creates fun or interesting experiences on the server, unlike PC disarms which can be a huge "fuck you" but are somewhat manageable, and reasonably fair (most of the time) to deal with.