Small Faith's: The Night Mother

Started by NightEyes, August 05, 2021, 10:51:28 AM

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Alignment: TN
Portfolio: The Moon, The Stars, Darkness, Night, navigation, Wanderers , Loss, Forgetfulness, Secrets
Domains: Cavern, Darkness, Knowledge, Chaos, Travel, Protection, Illusion

It would be evident to any sufficiently learned Awakened from Faerun that the Night Mother is a syncretic heresy of Selune and Shar, combining both of their features through the lens of local belief. Concerning itself primarily with secrets and secretiveness, it offers protection to those who wish to remain hidden, though in contrast to the Hidden One who asks for pieces of the soul the Night Mother asks for secrets.

It is slightly feminist in leaning, positioning itself as a rival to the worship of The Lady which it posits is nothing more than a pastiche of the Night Mother filtered through a patrirarchally favored peerage. It is not a large faith, and in fact may be endemic to a single individual born of a 'native' father and awakened mother...

I mean unless you wanna run with it too that'd be cool.