Legates Domhnall and Marcellus

Started by Moonlighter, November 08, 2023, 03:39:34 AM

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Identical letters are slipped beneath each of the Legate's doors.

DATE: Subat 8th, 7787

Monsieur Legate,

I took a party of glory-seekers from the Krak des Roses on a jaunt down to the Rampart Nursum, after a bet with Condottiera Capuano.

Slaying the orcs proved easily enough with Cinquefoil Steel. But in the aftermath, a most curious figure appeared: One Constantine Diakos. He thanked the Well for it's recent campaign against the Orcs, and says we have done him and his master a great favor, before galivanting off on horseback while we did battle with a minor expeditionary force of Lizards.

Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau
Banda Rossa


Dear Mirielle,

 I ready your letter some time ago and recently, after Ast's trial when speaking with Aurelio I shared my concerns about this. I will share them with you as well.

 While I have no proof of such I have the feeling that the Sybilant are using their skirmishes and clashes, and our own raids, to perhaps power some greater spell. Blood, or the dead, may be playing a role in this, but this is merely speculation.

 Based on the reports I have been receiving the Orcs on one hand claim that we are not doing anything to them or their numbers, which I am inclined to believe, if they truly live up to their Thousand Clans name.

 At the same time, Diakos seemed to have been present a number of times when it came to our raids and attacks on the Thousand Clans, seemingly pleased with our actions. Considering what the Orcs said earlier it may be Pride, and we are weakening the Orcs far more than we must be aware, or, Diakos is simply toying with us.

 I urged caution from Aurelio, as we may face something truly dire if the Sibilant break through Nusrum. On the other hand, if we remain passive or inactive the Orcs may indeed grow in strength and head North in force.

 All of this puts me at great unease, but we also do not seem to have a better path forward than the one we currently follow.

Legate Marcellus Saenus