Nelumbo Lucifera - Vitiate Blossom

Started by granny, October 08, 2015, 01:27:10 AM

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Nelumbo Lucifera
Vitiate Blossom, Light of the Woodlands

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I'm in them. And that's eternity -- Edvard Munch"

QuoteNelumbo Lucifera: [her eyes go upwards, towards the ceiling] K-kill if m-must... b-but h-her r-rotting b-body w-will f-feed t-the f-flowers 'n w-with t-them w-will bb-be o-one. B-blossom's w-work w-will g-go o-on t-through w-what b-blooms i-in c-c-aves.... [stops a moment, crying, remembering things of the past]
Ordvuul Grodvar: *He falls to his knees in front of her, weeping openly now.*
Ordvuul Grodvar: Blossom... ah'll... ah'm so sorry!
Nelumbo Lucifera: Mom 'n d-d-dad, B-blossom s-still r-r-remember y-you.... i-is t-try t-to b-bring b-back T-toril t-that ... t-that [sniffs... pain stopping her from going on]
Ordvuul Grodvar: I can't fight this curse...
Ordvuul Grodvar: Ah kin't let you live... I jus'...
Ordvuul Grodvar: I-...
Nelumbo Lucifera: ... [she turns to Ordvuul, removing her helmet and looking him in the eyes for the first time]
Nelumbo Lucifera: [a mess of red hair frames a face cursed by pain and sorrow. Tears run down her face as she stretches a hand towards Ordvuul, trembling]
Ordvuul Grodvar: ...*he wretches, seeing her as though he'd seen her for the first time. There was something to her with no helmet now that onl y made him recoil.*
Ordvuul Grodvar: I haff tuh do this... don't... don't look at me like 'at!
Nelumbo Lucifera: [from her bleeding hand, a red flower sprouts out, with a sweet scent born from her desires and lost hope]
Ordvuul Grodvar: *He brings his spear down in a terrible cry of pain, the three pronged trident burying itself in the druidess's chest. He holds it there for a time, weeping over the corpse as he does.*
Nelumbo Lucifera: B-blossom s-saw g-good i-in O'vuul's life. I-is s-saw t-that h-he c-can c-change t-things. T-.l..
Nelumbo Lucifera: [shrieks]

Big thanks to everyone that have joined me in this journey. My special thanks goes to Howland, AMB, Talir and Rose who kept giving me a much needed hand to survive and become part of an important plot of the server, helping me into finding another favorite God (after the all awesome Talona). Another big thanks goes to my ever interesting partner, Sem, who played along me all this time, making the loner wild life not so empty of interactions.

The guys of the Shadow Tribe and the current Slime Cult, as well, thank you all for giving me many chances of pushing this story further and for being such great sports!

And last but not least, YAY! Second lvl8 of my career! GETOUTTA MY INN!


Blossom was a wonderful, vibrant character. And her death was heart breaking. I hope we get to interact more in the future.



She was so beautiful in her own brand of putrescence.


Get outta my inn :'( Very well done Granny, you worked very hard on her and it was appreciated!


First character I met on my current toon, walked me around the server but didn't get to see you much otherwise, looks like fun. Good luck with the next! (My planssssss)

Bouquet of Roses

You continually astound and amaze me with your will to never give up, no matter how stacked the odds are against you. You're an inspiration in more that a few ways, and I'm very happy I got to at least contribute with a death, even if I did promise I'd make a Rotter to join you eventually!
Next time, I guess!

I know you'll have fun, and be amazing, whatever you play next, so, instead, I'll just say "Keep it up, Granny."