Random Character Generator

Started by Semli, October 11, 2008, 05:34:28 AM

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Random Character Generator

So, your character is dead and you have no idea what to build next?  I have the solution for you!  Using dice roll generators you can find online (such as at http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20040517a), the following charts will allow you to create a random character.  This may not sound exciting at first, but the point of this random character generator is to make you carefully consider what motivated your character to choose that class, deity, or alignment in the first place.  By answering these questions for yourself you may form a more interesting character concept than you thought was possible.

The system leaves the specifics of your character’s ability scores, feat choices, and skill points up to you, as well as whether or not you decide to go with a Prestige Class.  If you cannot find a way to make the character work mechanically, change whatever aspect doesn’t fit.  No one will ever really know you’re a horrible cheating bastard except for you, so providing you can live with the guilt feel free.

Step 1: First, roll a 1d8.  Select the corresponding race from the following chart.
1 – Human
2 – Half-Elf
3 – Elf
4 – Dwarf
5 – Halfling
6 – Gnome
7 – Half-Orc
8 – Reroll!

Step 2: Next, roll a 1d12.  This will determine your class.
1 – Barbarian
2 – Bard
3 – Cleric
4 – Druid
5 – Fighter
6 – Monk
7 – Paladin
8 – Ranger
9 – Rogue
10 – Sorcerer
11 – Wizard
12 – Reroll!

Step 3: Roll 1d2.  This will determine whether or not you will have a single class (1) or multiclass (2) character.  As Monks and Paladins have Multiclassing restrictions dependent on their deity and the consent of the DMs, they are exempt from step 3 (but by all means, research these restrictions and adapt tables for more diverse characters as you see fit).

If you roll a 2, roll a 1d10 on this modified list.  Reroll if you obtain the same result as your original class.

Step 3b: Multiclass Table: Roll 1d10
1 – Barbarian
2 – Bard
3 – Cleric
4 – Druid
5 – Fighter
6 – Ranger
7 – Rogue
8 – Sorcerer
9 – Wizard
10 – Reroll!

Step 4: Now that that business is done, it is time to roll up a deity.  Clerics should reroll if they produce a deity that will not grant them spells (labeled NDS for No Divine Spells).  If you produce a result that reads Monster you may wish to reroll, as your character will not readily find acceptance anywhere for their radical beliefs (and obviously, it would be hard to justify a LG worshiper of Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead).  

Paladins should use deity table two, rerolling in the event that their race does not correspond with a racial deity that supports paladins.

Druids use deity table three.

Racial characters (Half-Elves, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, and Half-Orcs) should roll a 1d2, a result of 1 meaning they use Deity Table 1 while a result of 2 has them roll on the appropriate Racial table.  Paladins and Druids are exempt from this as they have to select a faith from their approved lists to have access to their divine powers.

Deity Table 1: Roll 1d100
1 – Faithless
2 – Amaunator
3 – Bhaal
4 – Ibrandul
5 – Myrkul
6 – Finder Wyvernspur (NDS)
7 – Moander
8 - Azuth
9 – Bane
10 - Chauntea
11- Cyric
12- Eilistraee
13 - Gond
14 – Helm
15 – Ilmater
16 – Kelemvor
17 – Kossuth
18 – Lathander
19 – Lolth (NDS, Monster)
20 – Malar (Highly Unusual Elf Choice)
21 – Mask
22 – Mielikki
23 – Mystra
24 – Oghma
25 – Selune
26 – Shar
27 – Shaundakul
28 – Silvanus
29 – Sune
30 – Talos
31 – Tempus
32 – Torm
33 – Tymora
34 – Tyr
35 – Umberlee
36 – Uthgar
37 - Waukeen
38 – Akadi
39 – Auril
40 – Beshaba
41 – Deneir
42 – Eldath
43 – Garagos
44 – Garguth
45 – Grumbar
46 - Gwaeron Windstorm
47 – Hoar
48 – Istishia
49 – Jergal
50 – Lliira
51 – Loviatar
52 – Lurue
53 – Milil
54 – Nobanion
55 - Red Knight
56 – Savras
57 – Sharess
58 – Shiallia
59 – Siamorphe
60 – Talona
61 – Tiamat
62 – Ubtao
63 – Ulutiu
64 – Valkur
65 – Velsharoon
66 - Anhur
67 – Geb
68 – Hathor
69 - Horu-Re
70 – Isis
71 – Nephthys
72 – Osiris
73 – Sebek
74 – Set
75 – Thoth
76 – Orcus (Monster)
77 – Pazrael (Monster)
78 to 100 – Reroll!

Deity Table 2 (Paladins): Roll 1d100
1 – Azuth
2 – Chauntea
3 – Helm
4 – Ilmater
5 – Kelemvor
6 – Lathander
7 – Mielikki
8 – Mystra
9 – Sune
10 – Torm
11 – Tyr
12 – Deneir
13 – Eldath
14 - Gwaeron Windstrom
15 – Hoar
16 – Jergal
17 – Milil
18 – Nobanion
19 - Red Knight
20 – Savras
21 – Shiallia
22 – Siamorphe
23 – Ulutiu
24 – Hathor
25 - Horus-Re
26 – Isis
27 - Osiris
28 - Corellon (Elves)
29 - Berronar Truesilver (Dwarves)
30 - Clangeddin Silverbeard (Dwarves)
31 - Gorm Gulthyn (Dwarves)
32 - Marthammor Duin (Dwarves)
33 – Moradin (Dwarves)
34 – Arvoreen (Halfling)
35 – Cyrrollalee (Halfling)
36 – Utogalan (Halfling)
37 – Yondalla (Halfling)
38 - Baervan Wildwanderer (Gnome)
39 - Baravar Cloakshadow (Gnome)
40 - Flandal Steelskin (Gnome)
41 - Gaerdal Ironhand (Gnome)
42 - Garil Glittergold (Gnome)
43 - Segojan Earthcaller. (Gnome)
44 to 100 – Reroll!

Deity Table 3 (Druids): Roll 1d100
1 – Chauntea
2 – Kossuth
3 – Malar (Unusual for Elves)
4 – Mielikki
5 – Silvanus
6 – Talos
7 – Umberlee
8 – Auril
9 – Eldath
10 - Gwaeron Windstrom
11 – Lurue
12 – Nobanion
13 – Shiallia
14 – Talona
15 – Ubato
16 – Ulutiu
17 - Thard Harr
18 - Aerdrie Faenya
19 – Angharradh
20 - Deep Sashelas
21 - Fenmarel Mestarine
22 - Rillifane Rallathil
23 - Solonor Thelandria
24 - Baervan Wildwanderer
25 - Segojan Earthcaller
26 - Sheela Peryroyl
27 – Anhur
28 – Isis
29 – Sebek
30 – Hiatea
31 – Sekolah
32 – Cyrrollalee
33 to 100 – Reroll!

Deity Table 4 (Dwarf): Roll 1d20
1 – Abbathor
2 - Berronar Truesilver
3 - Clangeddin Silverbeard
4 - Deep Duerra
5 - Dugmaren Brightmantle
6 –Dumathoin
7 - Gorm Gulthyn
8 - Haela Brightaxe
9 – Laduguer
10 - Marthammor Duin
12 - Moradin, Sharindlar
13 - Thard Harr
14 - Vergadain
15 to 20 – Reroll!

Deity Table 5 (Half-Elves and Elves): Roll 1d12
1 - Aerdrie Faenya
2 – Angharradh
3 - Corellon Larethian
4 - Deep Sashelas
5 - Erevan Ilesere
6 - Fenmarel Mestarine
7 - Hanali Celanil
8 - Labelas Enoreth
9 - Rillifane Rallathil
10 - Sehanine Moonbow
11 – Shevarash
12 - Solonor Thelandira

Deity Table 6 (Halfling): Roll 1d6
1 – Arvoreen
2 – Brandobaris
3 – Cyrrollalee
4 - Sheela Peryroyl
5 – Urogalan
6 - Yondalla

Deity Table 7 (Gnome): Roll 1d8
1 - Baervan Wildwanderer
2 - Baravar Claokshadow
3 - Callarduran Smoothhands
4 - Flandal Steelskin
5 - Gaerdal Ironhand
6 - Garl Glittergold
7 - Segojan Earthcaller
8 – Urdlen

Deity Table 8 (Half-Orc): Roll 1d6
1 – Baghtru
2 – Gruumsh
3 – Ilneval
4 – Luthic
5 – Shargaas
6 - Yurtrus

Step 5: Now roll an alignment.  Keep in mind that so long as you are a non-divine character class (Cleric, Druid, or Paladin) you can misunderstand something about your faith and portray it in a way that suits your new alignment.  Clerics, Druids, and Paladins are required to better understand the aspects of their faith and therefore are subject to their deity’s restrictions (but feel free to roll within whatever alignments the faith typically allows).  

Alignment Table: Roll 1d10
1 – Lawful Good
2 – Neutral Good
3 – Chaotic Good
4 – Lawful Neutral
5 – True Neutral
6 – Chaotic Neutral
7 – Lawful Evil
8 – Neutral Evil
9 – Chaotic Evil
10 – Reroll!

Random Character Generator Q&A:

Why didn’t you include special races, deities, PrCs, and other things that require applications in the random character generator?

The point of the RCG is to create a new character relatively quickly.  Putting a character on hold for DM consent kind of defeats the purpose entirely in my mind.  Moreover, if a player randomly generates something that gets denied through applications for whatever reason, it gives them less reason to use the RCG in the future.

What about other non-app races?  Why didn’t you include those?

The current trend seems to be that non-app races get placed on and taken off the list at whim when people who are better versed in the setting make arguments that they are not being portrayed correctly.  In the hope that the system is not broken by such changes in the future, and because my own knowledge of Forgotten Realms is somewhat limited, I simply left them out of the picture entirely.  That said, you are free to create your own complete table with the available races (application and otherwise) and roll off of that.

Your tables are horribly wrong sir!  Such a deity should have a note warning about this, or should not be on the list, and other miscellaneous canon issues!  Or you just screwed up somewhere!

I made this to be a service to the community.  If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, please bring it up in a constructive manner and I will make the appropriate changes.  

This would work better as a polished program.  Make it so!

I have no scripting knowledge.  Once the kinks are out of this system on paper, I would love it if someone cooked up something that would produce a viable character with a push of a button.  I have no intention to start a study of it in the immediate future, so until then you will all have to make due.

What was the first character created from this?

A Half-Elf Fighter/Bard, Lawful Good worshiper of Rillifane Rallathil.

I realize that in posting this it may cause some canon debate.  I would like to keep it civil and to remind everyone that we're dealing with heroes, so more often than not they're going to be unusual rather than cookie cutter.  When making a canon argument, try to field it in the IRC first and see if you get a general agreement before posting it.  If this becomes a warzone about the impracticality of things like Malarite elves and other oddities I will be the first to request a lock.


Neutral Evil Gnome Druid/Druid of Silvanus.



LOL...  I rolled a neutral-good elven rogue who worships Erevan Ilesere.  Which would describe 1/4 of all the characters I've ever played.


I strongly suggest doubling the values for deity table 2, and tripling the values for deity table 3 to reduce the amount of rerolling.
eg -
Deity Table 2 (Paladins): Roll 1d100
1,2 â€" Azuth
3,4â€" Chauntea
5,6â€" Helm
86 to 100 â€" Reroll!


One of the nice things about the dice roller I supplied was that in the bottom column you can specify to roll between numbers that wouldn't exist as dice (such as a 1d44).  I only left those values as is because a) it was easy and b) normal dice don't work that way.

Once I feel like getting around to it I'll probably implement your suggestion, though.

The Crimson Magician


True Neutral Dwarven Ranger of Geb.

Nice one, Semli. (Or Fong, or whatever.)


Chaotic Evil Dwarf Cleric of Abbathor.


two cents!

BELKUL, half-orc, rogue, druid, workship ILNEVAL, NE,

Minimal tips:

1. Use 1d4 and 1,2 or 3,4 to replace 1d2;

2. Use Name Generator at:

3. Accept the alignment from deity;
4. Post the result character here,  we can know it lives at EFUA;

[]s tooh