New Implementation for Pure Sorcerer

Started by derfo, January 30, 2012, 04:32:14 PM

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I'm pleased to announce the implementation of backgrounds for the sorcerer class. It's our hope that this provides another way to flesh out the unique story of your character, while also addressing balance concerns.

Huge thanks go to Talir* for making these happen!
*Special consideration to Derflaro for coming up with all the different ones!

[INDENT]Witchcraft - Whether one who finds their home within the bogs, or who's hands are oft found clasped around the stirring rod of a cauldron, witches who make their home amongst the Archipelago's numerous exotic herbs and reagents find a welcome boon in their pursuit of creating concoctions that negate their otherwise gossamer and abnormal outward appearance.

Level 1: +5 EFUSS Alchemy, +5 EFUSS Herbalism, +2 VS Disease, Use Poison
Level 5: +3 Spellcraft, + 2 VS Poison
Level 8: Regenerate (13) 1/day

Hematologist -
The idea that the blood is what sparks the talent within many young sorcerers is well known throughout the lands, and some sorcerers take this research to heart, studying the blood of others and pushing the limits of their own. This makes them more privy to the expertise of a physician, for good or ill, while the research is often used to strengthen the sorcerer's own physical form, empowered by what magic courses through their veins.

Level 1: +2 Fortitude Save, Drawn blood can produce magical benefits
Level 5: +3 Heal, +1d6 Sneak Attack, Spell Penetration
Level 8: Spell Resistance: 10, 10% Physical Damage Reduction

Cultist -
Many powers, fell or strange, find themselves happy to accept fervent worship. Those lucky enough to be born with arcane talent to supplement their presence of self often find it a great boon to assist their object of praise. Thus, the cultist's eagerness gains them a significant advantage in coaxing recruits, escaping those distraught at their beliefs, and calling forth minions relevant to the pursuit of their worship's ends. Whether these ends are nefarious, strange, or otherwise, is ultimately up to the whims of this natural leader.

Level 1: +3 Persuade, +20 Maximum Summoning Points
Level 5: Prayer (5) 1/day, +1 Universal Saves, Changed to +50 Maximum Summoning Points
Level 8: Lesser Planar Binding (9) 1/day, Changed to +80 Maximum Summoning Points

Touch of the Maiden -
Those who find themselves tainted with the touch of undeath have a strange path paved for themselves upon the isles. Their natural affixing to the strong powers of necromancy on Ymph allow them to more easily walk amongst the many powers of undeath, though they often find themselves shunned by the living, attributing it to the hated and feared H'bala. Regardless of it's origin, their ability to walk between life and death is commendable.

Level 1: Animate Dead (5) 1/day, Embrace of the Maiden
Level 5: +3 Saves VS Negative Energy, 5/- Negative Energy Resistance
Level 8: On Hit Contagion Level 3 (Needs a held weapon), +2 Saves VS Disease, Death, Fear, Mind Affecting, Control Undead (13) 1/day

Unpredictable - Either born from the chaos of Limbo or one who's talents has manifested in a way beyond their understanding, these subjects, willing or not, find their potentially immense powers to be kept in check by their inability to control the erratic ways they become divulged. These sorts of arcanists are often feared by others and themselves alike, unknowing as to what their affliction will cause them to procure next.

Level 1: +3 Intimidate, On Hit Chaos Shield Level 3 (Needs a worn armor of any kind)
Level 5: Spell DC fluctuation, Random element on cast of "Flame Weapon"
Level 8: A Gift of Pandemonium (Contact a DM upon reaching this level with this perk to receive your "gift" from the table. This can possibly permanently end your character)

- From beautiful maidens to the smooth tongued, the charismatic presence of the blood-born can seldom be denied. Some find themselves so thoroughly exalted even among others who share their magics, and this reflects in their very visage, offering an arbiter who has immense power over their fellow man.

Level 1: +3 Bluff, +3 Intimidate, +3 Persuade
Level 5: Charm Person and Dominate Person induce a variety of additional effects
Level 8: Mass Charm (15) 1/day

Spellsword - Uncommonly heard of, and even more rarely practiced, the mages who do combine their magical talent with martial expertise epitomize why this style of combat is often unfounded. Regardless of it's difficulty, a minority of arcanists continue down this path in the pursuit of their own prosperity, offering a unique versatility on the battlefield.

Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Martial), Weapon Proficiency (Exotic), +1 Attack Bonus
Level 5: +3 Taunt, +2 Magical Damage on melee & ranged attacks
Level 8: Damage Reduction 5/+1, +1 Dodge AC

Tribal Shaman - Whether someone who makes their way as a shaman among their tribe, or a witch doctor somewhere else in the wilds, those who bear inherent arcane power are often feared and respected among similarly primitive people. The abilities of these sorcerers give them the tools to allow them to more easily survive their harsh environments and the many inhabitants that stalk them.

Level 1: +3 Hide, +3 Move Silently, Charm Person or Animal 3/day
Level 5: +3 Spot, +3 Listen, 10% Elemental Damage Reduction
Level 8: +2 Wisdom, Animals do not attack you

Zealous Faith - Those who come to the realization that their magic is a god given gift find that their devotion does not go unrewarded. Often, this manifests itself depending on what deity a person will serve, becoming more and more obvious in the magics they call forth. Whatever the origin, their spellcraft becomes empowered to smite the foes of their patron.

Level 1: +2 Divine Save, When cast on oneself, "Magic Weapon" induces an additional +1 divine damage for neutral & good, +1 negative energy damage for evil
Level 5: +2 Fear Save, When cast on oneself, "Shield" offers an additional +2 AC, and 50% Damage Immunity to negative energy damage for neutral & good, 50% Damage Immunity to divine damage for evil
Level 8: +2 Will Save, When cast on oneself, the damage of "Flame Weapon" is replaced with divine damage and glow for neutral & good, negative energy damage and glow for evil

Contriver - To harness the energies of one's innate power is no easy task, especially when one's own well being is at stake. Many arcanists must improvise to survive the dangers adventuring often offers, and the contriver is more than apt at this task. Their ingenuity, experience, and hardiness allows them to make use of a multitude of protective equipment that would bog down most mages.

Level 1: -20% Arcane Spell Failure, Armor Proficiency (Light)
 Level 5: +3 Discipline, Armor Proficiency (Medium)
 Level 8: +2 Constitution, Shield Proficiency

Scion - Most bloodborn arcanists realize their origin and fates greater than the ordinary, though a select few of them ever seek to research and harness the power of their past and descendants. Whether that of an ancient race, relation to the draconic, or an ancestry even more obscure, the Scion's body is greatly empowered in many ways in line with what his bloodline and predecessors would sanction. These many peculiar benefits assist him as he uncovers the secrets of the past, and what a Scion's destiny holds henceforth.

Level 1: +1 Natural AC, +1d4 Slashing Damage to unarmed attacks (Needs gauntlets), +3 Lore, +2 Saves VS Traps
Level 5: +1 Attack Bonus, +2 Strength, Damage Reduction 2/+4, Changed to +3 Saves VS Traps
Level 8: Changed to +2 Natural AC, Changed to +1d6 Slashing Damage to unarmed attacks (Needs gauntlets), Immunity to Poison, Changed to +4 Saves VS Traps[/INDENT]

Akin to the fighter class implementations:

These are selected from the crafting menu.

Only usable by pure sorcerers, with the exception of PRCs.

Changes are very possible in the future, as well as additional perks.

Please report any bugs here.

Any ambiguously written perks are to be found out in game!

Have fun!


For now, don't equip and die with weapons that you can wield due to feats given you. The weapons disappear upon death due to a bug. I'm looking into the problem. I am not sure if it's the same for armor.


I believe I've got the death part of the missing equipment fixed. Blackout still has the possibility of making your feat-granted equipped item disappear but it should be fixed soon. Please continue to report any and all bugs. I know unpredictable has an unforeseen bug with its DC.