Former Illuminati programmer speaks out

Started by Dagam, February 11, 2013, 05:22:52 AM

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Hey guys, you may not remember me. I played EFU from around 2006 to 2008. I'm stopping by to talk about an issue I've encountered in the real world in the five years since: the Illuminati and their practice of brainwashing their members. Every cult brainwashes people and this one is no exception. I found this article written by Svali, a former Illuminati programmer who left in 1995. It's well written, thought provoking, it makes points that you can do something about, and doesn't engage in fear-mongering like much of what you read on the Illuminati. It helped me understand a friend who was herself kidnapped and brainwashed by the cult, and then given a new identity. Today, around 2-3% of the US population are affiliated with them.

I encourage you all to take time and read this. Spread the word, talk to your friends about it, post it elsewhere, and raise awareness, because they can't hide what they're doing forever.

Breaking Free of Cult Programming


I've read a lot about this sort of thing but none of the so-called evidence is not all that conclusive to me. I'm pretty sure a conspiracy on the level you're describing is impossible. If I were you, I'd drop it right now.


It's not at all impossible nor is it scary, it's just that people don't know enough about it. Once you have a look behind the curtain you'll find that it's a lot of smoke and mirrors.


I don't want real life fantasy in my fantasy TYVM.

Iron Oligarch

After careful deliberation, the staff has determined that there is no such thing as the Illuminati. This thread will be locked to ensure that our playerbase does not waste time discussing imaginary organizations in the real world, and continues to distract itself in the rich, imaginary world we have created for the greater good of all mankind. Please forget what you have read. Thank you for your compliance.