The Council of Peers

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, July 30, 2013, 05:02:25 AM

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Knight Of Pentacles


Quote from: Jacky FlintGood Dark Sanctuary.  From times immemorial have souls been specially forged by the Gods themselves to be incarnated on this material earth in order to fight the forces of evil and entropy.  We who were born to serve must serve within the edicts that were put forth in ages past as it was these codes the Gods thought it best for us to fulfill our duties.  However!  This is a new world.  One where many of those same gods have been swallowed by the very incarnate of evil, Dendar the Nightmaiden.  The now overwhelming Foulness has decimated the hopes of the people and have led them into increasing acts of depravity and despair. Those of us who have been forged in divine fire to become Paladin in service to the ways of Righteousness now find ourselves more needed than ever a time before.  With this need in mind, we cannot be bound to the ways of the old world that are detrimental to preserving this fleeting purity within the new.   I call all of my brethren to me in council of a most holy peerage.  Together we shall decide our fate and petition our divine-lieges that we shall be renewed in order to better extinguish the surrounding darkness. Hear my words,  The Council of Peers is hereby called to assemble!

In the face of a new world order, a Sanctuarian paladin has called his fellows to come together in council so that they may reestablish themselves in a manner befitting recent events.  The primary objective of this very small and specialized player faction is to Petition the gods for their oaths and codes to be reforged.   It hopes to serve both as a face of Good incarnate and a faction bent on changing the very foundations of the Paladin "class" by asking the gods through various means that their strictures have more leeway in battling evil.  

All races welcome, Paladins are obviously the standard. However, fallen paladins may find a place within the Council if their fall was through acts of breaking their code rather than committing heinous acts.