Shadowrun Returns

Started by Vlaid, July 26, 2013, 11:36:12 AM

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Came out yesterday. Pretty cool game.

It's most likely not going to blow your socks off, but it has so far been quite enjoyable for my $20 investment with promises of future free player created content, I think it's safe to say I got more than my money's worth out of it already.

If you're still not sure about the game, check out Force's reviews and plays of the game on Youtube. I think he's got about an hour of gameplay straight from creation up so far.

I will caution the writing at times can be kind of bad, but more in the "it's so bad it's good" sort of way to me. May not jive with all types.


I donated on their Kickstarter but haven't had a chance to download it yet.  I'm glad to hear I didn't waste my money.

Winston Martin

Easily worth the price but more lightweight and linear than I would have liked. Looking forward to what the modding and building aspect will be like.


The "campaign" that comes with the game feels like more of an introduction to what can be done than it does a bonafide game, but I'm really excited for the user created content.


Played it myself, mainly because I've played pen and paper shadowrun in the past, and my thoughts mostly echo what has been expressed here-

The campaign it comes bundled with is short but sweet. Mechanics appear balanced and interesting. Nothing impressive graphically, but the flavor text really outlines the Shadowrun world for you. Gameplay was straight forward, similar to X-COM at its core but with a myriad of ways to develop your individual character. You can focus solely on being the best rifleman in the world at the cost of other skills and abilities, or you can spread out your skills and be a magician/swordsman, a hacker/rigger (riggers control little robots that shoot bullets and other things for them), or any other combination of abilities that suit your tastes.

By itself, probably not worth the $20 if you aren't already a Shadowrun fan, but the steam workshop lets you DL new user created content easily enough so finding more things to do with the game shouldn't be a problem for long. There aren't any guarantees with user created content but if you stick to the higher rated stuff you'll generally have a better time of it (at least, in my experience with other games). At a glance it doesn't seem like there's a lot of high rated content up right now but given some time I'm sure that will change.

When its down to $10 in a year and $5 during the summer sale, and there's a metric ton of decent content, it'll be a steal!