Aelynthi Venfaren, the Chronicler of Tel'quessir

Started by SomeDumbElf, February 10, 2018, 11:04:34 PM

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How do I do this. 

Aelynthi was probably my longest lived character.  She started out as something really dumb and simple to get me back into EFU after a long break, I was just going to play for her for a week or so and then try something serious.  But then it turned into a several month adventure of killing giant monsters and plotting to hang corrupt councilors.   She was an elf who wanted to chronicle the lives of others in tomes so that they would have some form of immortality, now that the Seldarine were dead.  She was grim and fatalistic but her companions and enemies gave her a spark to live again.  Everyone on the server had such fun characters, both as friends and enemies of Aelynthi.  And all the DMs have done awesome stuff. If I tried to list everyone I would thank it would go on far too long and I'd definitely miss a few. 

I don't have many screenshots, but here's what I got.  I'll try to pull some more from my screenshots folder in a bit.

[hide=So Many Elves][/hide]

[hide=Accusing Olof of Murder][/hide]

[hide=Talking Shit to Revenant Elves]


[hide=Meeting Baelnorn][/hide]

[hide=Fighting D'lathos][/hide]



The Samophlange

idiot bullshit elf

Really good job of Aelynthi. Shooting the shit, and occasionally hitting her in the stomach, were some of the most fun times I had on Redhands.


Not sure what else to say, but glad Marie met Aelynthi.
It's not about how long they'll survive, but how long they'll be remembered.


<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip


Very sorry to see that Aelynthi is gone.  :(  I was looking forward to continuing our story when I return.