Prefect Mainanta Notten - Finally Deceased

Started by WriterX, August 05, 2018, 07:26:38 PM

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Notten was one of my longest surviving PCs, as well as one of my handful of PCs who reached level 9. She has lived through the rising and falling of many prominent characters, and has, herself, earned some fame.
While she never got any special loot I wanted to share three pictures of her at the beginning, middle and late stages of her life (no spoilers of any sort, sadly).
Mainanta the "White Maiden" with her friend Amy:

Mainanta after her first death:

Mainanta, as a Prefect, trying to do Prefect stuff:

Well, time to go onto the next one!


I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory
Is this where it gets her, on her feet, sev'ral feet ahead of me?
I see it coming, do I run or fire my bow or let it be?
There is no beat, no melody

If I throw away my shot, is this how you'll remember me?
What if this arrow is my legacy?

(The World Was Wide Enough from Hamilton, modified)

It really felt like Ms Notten was the one person to really focus on fighting the Dread. I thoroughly enjoyed Ms Claudia's and Ms Khanna's interactions with her.


I will always be happy to remember how involving she was. Although not being the smartest with catapults, I thought it to be truly impressive of how she managed to gather people to actually go and break the Dread out of the Mound.


Her taste in men's hand-wear was spotless.

Now, to go headbutt a wall for a few hours..
Yip yip


Thank you for this well-played PC.

As a player I'm sad to see her go. She made the setting a little warmer and brighter amidst all the darkness and horror. Which is not something that all, or even most, good-aligned PCs actually achieve. Her reassuring presence is now gone, and I mourn that!


She has never earned DM loot!? I'd have thought she deserved at least a piece for getting the server to do something with the Dread and the Mound.

A great character to have seen about.


The foreboding march towards the Mound lead by commander Mainanta-one-apult and Elliandra at the front.

Spuffisthin photobombs but he did end up rescuing the first wave including Notten so that evens it out.


Great one, as always, WriterX!

She seemed cool even though our interactions were limited by virtue of Alignment ;)

Still Trying

Aww :/ She was top notch! I'm going to miss this one!


She was a great and dynamic PC and I thoroughly enjoyed our times together when I was on Caedyn and you were working to build your militia. Our long talks were a big foundation of the attempts at exodus and playing a PC who had fallen from grace, to find another pulled back from the edge, was really inspiring and fun!

Also just a bit of fun from Kisto and Notten's complicated history.

The Assassination of Evelyn Bridge
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips