Player factions and plot-flagged armour

Started by Egon the Monkey, September 01, 2020, 10:02:27 AM

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Egon the Monkey

As an example, the Webber outfits  are popular and often extremely expensive bits of kit.  The fact that you can't dye them means you can't apply player faction colours to them and get a unified look. I appreciate the benefit of Plot tags on stuff like "Stinky Goblin Armour" that's meant to look stupid and not be refurbishable. But when you've paid a cool ten thousand for a wizard robe, finding out that you can't make it match the group look is a bit of a kick in the teeth.

I feel it would be worth either making these not Plot, or offering an slightly expensive (~200gp) way to remove the Plot tag from armour and allow them to be dyed. Player factions don't innately get cool uniforms, so being able to construct your own colour scheme is very valuable for having an identity.


As you've stated, there are ways IG to make faction uniforms, or to dye stuff you find to make a colour theme.

Ruining a haute couture dress isn't one of those ways.

Egon the Monkey

I mean, on the one hand, yeah. I get they're meant to be a Specific Fancy Item. On the other, these fancy items discourage getting involved in factions, which I feel is a major drawback. Not gonna lie, about 50% of why I didn't join the Silver Hats was "So I have this iconic DM loot backpack and I can't wear it with the hat" :P .

If you've got  a plot-marked DM loot item or a 10k sunk cost on some mage robes, joining a group that demands you downgrade is a big deal. And unlike NPC factions, PC factions don't bring perks/Prestige Stores/good starter gear  to the table.

I'm not saying that this should be available to everyone, as then the items stop looking unique. I do think it would be for example a sensible thing to put in Ticker Guildhalls (for successful guilds) or deeper rings (For successful ringrunning companies). That way a PC-led group that is relatively well known doesn't have to choose between keeping their cool gear or all looking on-brand.


We are not adding a system to dye the things we don't want dyed.