Lazar Ebonywood

Started by Ectheledhel, November 08, 2020, 01:08:12 AM

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Never done one of these before....

Lazar was meant to be a scheming alchemist who would quietly provide for various organizations while using them to fund his own research. He used his skills as a Diviner/Seer to obfuscate what he was up to and fool those around him into trusting him. During his work as part of the Brimstone Lodge he linked up with the Thayans and began aiding them in their own Infernal/Diabolic practises. This ultimately led to him being involved in the attack on House Nephezar, before being executed by Nicodemus Nephezar in Velstra's Vale.

I'd like to thank all the Players I interacted with a lot - Samantha Black, Gabriel, Finn Darker, Athazar Szonech, Maszim Szar'kul, Imran, Dame Eleleth, Hazel and many others.


When you came in the Vale i was like "Oh yes he is a nice fellow it will be fine"

Few days later "Okey this one is Evil" XD

A shame our time zones do not allowed us to see often, but i enjoyed the few playes we had, the confrontation abaut Fowler was great for example, well played


Sadly cut short, we were just becoming pals :(


Keep on rocking! A very cool death in my 'eyes'


Lazar was your sleazy, "anything Velstra says goes" feast wizard. And that was great.
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


Going to miss having Lazar around. Velstra won't be the same without him.


An enjoyable character, allround. Sad to see him go, but at least he went out with a bang!

The Old Hack

Hazel adored Lazar and never really saw him as evil, but then she was not the best judge of character. XD

Fantastic wizard, good company, I was glad to know him. :)