A Barely Held Together Journal of Siegward Eyck

Started by Styngraven, September 12, 2023, 12:36:13 AM

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Tesrin Hray the 12th by Imperial Year.

Whilst I was not inclined to record much of my life in the past I think with the finding of my place among the order this new life deserves to be chronicled.

Not long now I have dwelled in the settlement of Ephia's Well. A curious place to say the least! Nothing like the realms of lords I knew as a child. They say a great Sultan sits atop this land far off in some distant capital, not too dissimilar from the King. I pray he is a good and noble monarch.

I have found them! The order of the Rose! The remnants of my peoples! Though it has taken many a daring act and parched march across countless dunes I have sworn my name to their cause, even if I must tolerate the mercenary scum surrounding it. I swore to make you proud My Lady as well as the Gods of auld, a vow I shall retake to these Gods new.


Tesrin Hray the 17th by Imperial Year.

Much has transpired since my last writings yet I feel as if little has. I am troubled.

The Red Sacrament has been a revealing experience for myself and admitably my first partaking of the mythical brew. Never have I tasted such splendor nor seen sights of grandoer! Yet... I feel conflicted. I feel its grip not unlike any spirit taking some sort of hold, I must be cautious in these times that my vision is not clouded and lead me astray from the pathes of virtue.

At the end of this rite I was made squire. My pathes being to flourish, my promise to be upheld! I shall not fail you my good Lady!

I have also been officially ordained under the Mother's welcoming embrace by a peaceful priest of the name of Futus. I finally feel whole, content.


Tesrin Hray 18th by Imperial Year.

We have been spied upon, something I left out of my last entry. Foul machines of the Pra'raji heathens took keen intrests in our order's internal doings. We chased the thing off yet it came after us. Not some spying over janissary patrol routes but a rite preformed by the order of the rose.

We stand at a precipice. A great conflict is coming and all can see it even if they wish not to acknowledge it. I see not the reason in being caught by it idle! We are the order! Descendants of knights brave and bold! I intend to rally the faithful and the militant to action. The city states of this desolate ring realm refuse to commit until necessary yet I have sworn no fealty to this so called Sultan lord, nor have any of the rest among the Balladeers that I am aware of. Let us ride out in glory to join the Third Legion's skirmishes and retake the sacred soil of the Edutu from these blasted pagans!


Kanon Hray the 4th by Imperial Year.

The days are passing by quite swiftly and I must confess I am having a deal of trouble keeping track. Perhaps I should rummage through my pack more often, I had nearly forgotten I'd even penned these musings...

Progress in my previous plans on the other hand have been slower to a considerable degree. Sir d'Lyon has me working tirelessly to further our quests of righteousness. We in fact just saved a great number of children from some heavenly born horrors deep within the reaches of the far off wastes. A perilous journey across wastes inhabited only by the profane mutants and beasts the Gods bid us struck from what remains of our earth.

I must say, I nearly thought our efforts in vain and the visions provided to us untrue. That said! It was only right to see them sure or not and Gods' legs they were! Six in total and the lot of them protected by some twisted machinations of a deceased yet goodly wizard, let that effort not be forgotten. A day I shall hold with pride to be sure.