Regroup loop bug

Started by Raininghell, July 14, 2014, 11:39:56 PM

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When using the 3rd level conjuration spell regroup, it seemingly enters an infinite spell casting loop. Where all ones character will do it cast regroup. Which is sad, since regroup can be a really helpful and cool spell if used correctly.

Race: Human
Got the spell through level up as a wizard. I have tested it both in and outside of dungeons. The 3 times I have used it. It always enters a spell loop which I so far have only been able to stop by re-logging.

I do hope I have provided enough information, if not do ask for more and I'll supply anything I can.

Places used have been the dark lake (close to the mudman quest) and the kobold mine quest. as well as in the worm hole.

With the help of some others I can confirm that the spell works, and the only problem is that it starts a seemingly infinite spell loop.