What was your first day in EFU like?

Started by Vlaid, October 08, 2014, 11:42:05 PM

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Don't remember my first day, but an experience from my first days in efu stands out. EFU first iteration- Was playing a dwarf rogue? Crossbow type., stealthing about the mines. An elf? Char gets jumped/mugged by another PC. The elf wins, and asks me ic what to do with the failed mugger..it was a FD battle.  Not sure we even new about the diff between FD and subduel then, we were both pretty ignorant to the whole RP thing at that time.  IC, I suggested he dump the corpse in a trash hole, so as to remove evidence and prevent reprisals.  He did.  We got a trip to the DM corner..apparently it made the possibility of resurrection mechanically impossible, via DM or otherwise...


After I got my revenge I dumped DRD's pc in a trash barrel and stole his Dwarf Skin cloak.


This thread is a trip.


My first day?  I played a Paladin and an hour into the game someone tried to mug me so I killed him brutally and Fell, losing my paladin abilities.


My first day was in Alpha, I rolled up a mute bard based generally on something I'd seen CrazyNut play in CoA.

Got a quick prelude from Howland, my PC had been a slave that was literally thrown in the garbage by drow, and rescued by Eilistraeens. Later that day she wound up serving a pair of Drow in the Vhaearaunite thieves' guild played by Dash and Inquisitor.


My first day on Revelations, it was about 4 AM my time. I walked aimlessly around in confusion, and was abruptly swept along with a rush of characters going to the Courthouse. Turned out that there was a show-trial meant to lure an Irith out. Long story short, I decided on a moment of impulse to volunteer as the defense, lost the trial, but had a blast.

Winston Martin

I saw a screenshot on another forum of a prominent wern8 paladin praying to bane which mentioned efu. It gave off an alternate reality vibe to me so I asked for a password and logged in.

Nothing was setup yet. There were no quests, just a underground monster infested server to explore and a bunch of DM possessed NPCs. Finding a weapon or armor was big. You couldn't walk around Sanctuary safely by yourself, so everyone in the server tended to clump together.

We were about 12 players who stumbled on three watchmen trying to arrest a tigereye. After a tense bit of dialog the tigereye becomes invisible somehow and laughs before beating up all three watchmen on his own. He doesn't rob or kill them, just tells them to stay out of Lower.

Jayde Moon

I met my first Dr. Dragon PC.

It was a dwarf that wanted to be sure we knew that dwarves were badass and among badass dwarves he was a badass and of course if we wanted to be badass we would need his badassed badassery to ensure we would defeat the badasses our badass selves were going to outbadass..

It was badass.


^best story ever
+1 or badassness


My first day was ages ago likely in EFU:A or earlier, with Merrybuckles Stefphini?, but I have no memory of ever playing in those times ^^. It was in my more PvP/FPS days, so I guess it didn't catch me as much as it does now.
6 years later, I joined in with Biam Bricklebuck. I ran into Mistlocke, completely confused, and somehow ended up talking with Aethereal's red-dressed(not Apocryphan) and half-mad alchemist.
And that's how I got my introduction to alchemy and EfU. Or so I think..