Who are you, who did you play?

Started by Listen in Silence, June 02, 2009, 06:08:46 PM

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Lots of evil wizards and nihilistic freedom fighters.

Raphael Castillo - Occasional slaver and overeater

Old Man Miroslav - Grumpy Armsman


The more prominent characters so far:

--- Underdark ---

Andrik Krown
Sorcerer who sought to achieve leadership of Lower Sanctuary when Bhast cast it away from Upper's consideration. After searching in vain for Ferius Worn and others to help him, he pursued a seat on the Council and was the last of the five who initially got a seat that term; thought by the Watch to never make it. Seduced and charmed by the lovely Elizabeth Dufroid, "assassinated" by his longstanding companion Montgomery Ubel Criler the Third and the one of the driving forces behind the metal deal with the Shadow Tribe. Died to lizards in a less than glorious death, which nevertheless caused some trouble for the Shadow Tribe's city.

Rodon Brinson
Kelemvorite Watchman who made it to corporal three times, was demoted once and left the Watch for a week before going back to serve. Judged to be the average guy doing what he thought right and serving to make the city a better place. Being a lawful good character, there were times that he struggled between doing what is right (by the law) or doing what is good (bending the law). Annoyed the charming Elizabeth Ravenlock into killing him to avoid the same fate that happened with one of his previous superiors.

Natharick Cain
Spellguard Agent who struggled through mage duels with expertise and toughness (the feats). Manipulative and attempted thread-puller, but ultimately left little marks upon Sanctuary. The prime reason why Sergeant Blackbeard and the last member of house Donrick survived their fight with a drow swordsman. Defended the Serena Tower, now spends the rest of his life locked up there with his conjurations.

--- EFU:A ---

Caliand Tornincasa
One of the many commanders of the early militia. A helmite fighter who sought to do his best for the colony and his rank, earned some fame by holding off a force of lizards with his friend Martin and ultimately ended up in slavery due to doing the 'right thing'.

Orrin Kendt
Spy, bluffer and the right hand of Mr. Adam Symme. A maskarran rogue and historian who spent much of his early time as two persons; the mercenary and merchant Orrin and the archaeological society's historian Mr. Oreus Kendt. Worked for Hersilia Malatesta in the early times, betrayed her and worked for a few others in the time upon Ymph. Fought in the War of Red Eleint and aided both in the intelligence aspect of the war and as a fighter. Stepped on the Guard's toes but never got arrested. Last seen in Old Port searching for a ship to get back to Calimport, after all of his most close allies had perished. Wrote The Settlement's History as his final contribution to the society.

Cecil Lupo
A wildsman warrior with a strong like for wolves. Armsman of the esteemed House Sharboneth, he took everything that was a threat to the colony as a personal goal to vanquish. Spent most of his time hiring others to help him against the many threats, earnt the trust of many and contributed in many ways to the ongoing investigations at that time. Died in an attempt to free two Sharboneth Armsmen from being hanged.

Thanatos Ravelle
Second leader of the Brotherhood of the Shattered Skull. He sought to continue the work of Rahkal and establish the Brotherhood as a vital part to the society. As a cleric of Velsharoon, he attempted to create a pro-animation mindset for the colony but failed in this achieval. Generally disliked by the populace, but held strong to his faith and leading the Brotherhood. Sought to become an undead through releasing H'bala or sacrificing Kassarack. Found the path to enlightenment through a beholder's death ray.

Current character: Infantryman Daryck Halloran.


lars deefok - guy

otto lonmore - ordinant thing

harold hatnine - seeker man

ludwig bartello - garagos dude

gustavo benzfish - fat dude

bosswick dossble - thrall

waylon spitworth - axe man

fargus crestrider - other seeker dude

sluglick - ogre

scumbar mudfury - mud king

chang dohgzu - chef


The Pestilence is about to show his fun. I have played various characters I would love to present.

Sebastiaan Dumaresq- Speaker of the Holt, assassin, buisness man, and super warrior! My current.

Zanedwynne Jarusi'- One hell of a warrior. One of my favorites. (scimitar crits!), rebelious snob, ambitious fool, friend of beshaban and kobolds. Ruined Rubyclaw's brain snacks. Retired.

David Braxton- Loviataran. Messed up, is retired.

Aspirant Bruce Kain - Was an aspirant. Einar's BFF, SUPER DAMAGE! ( I hit an 80...with a greatsword!), able to have 26 str buffed, was awesome. Died.

Illario Averte
- Necromancer's BFF, wannabe palemaster, mercenary, aspirant for armada, could never call Einar his true name (called him eLinar),was able to score some flanking damage. Died.
Igneous the Dwarf!- Friend of teli and ragnar, melted some faces! Flank, fun, retired.

Auldus Uldin, priest to the Dumathoin
(UD)- My first character, wand seller (had 21K >.>), hated gyrrt for killing his two friends (carlos and Hafur), died fighting druerger in Port Mur in his travels to a secret dwarven isle. Had much fun.

Jayde Moon


Kailyn Featherlight - Halfling thief who became a thrall of Intryzz, she escaped sanctuary when one of the other thralls informed on her.

Gabriel - Hoaran Bounty Hunter who died on the Way.


See my Sig, SUP!


Grillix Trollbelly: He literally destroyed goblin maidens.


COA rEFUgee/TheBigX
Granite Skullcleaver- Your standard dwarven barbarian.  Found the Stouthearts right away and had a great time.  Was part of a group that took a foray down the blocked staircase at Barak Tor and fought the chosen on their turf and accidently unleashed some nasty beasts).  Became an arrow pincushion at the goblin fort.

Redbear- Tribal barbarian that literally would eat anything. Picked sausage or mystery meat over healing potions when loot was divided

Rolph Ironbeard- Battlepriest of Clangedin. My longest running EFU character. Was there for the fall of Barak-Tor and the Stouthearts. Managed to also see the rise and fall of the Mithral Souls. Missed out on the epic slaughter by the Montezzi’s.   I exiled him across the lake with the Shield Dwarves where he remains retired.

Graaaaaaaahk – half orc sneak for the terrorizing, but short lived, Blood Eye Tribe of lower.  Ganked by the law

Wan’wa- Drow tormented gladiator sun elf. Died in the way trying to see the sun after 100 years of drow captivity

Karaagh the Gutter- half orc fighter.  Died trying to find supplies in a chosen overrun Sanctuary

Ragnar – Dwarven warrior if the Golden hammers. Served three different watch commanders in a 2 day gank-fest that ended the watch.  Retired

Kehl Windahl- fat arse, dirty fighting Kehl is still around. Drunk at the Kingsman’s or playing cards for now.  Will pick up his sword when the coin runs out

Friar Dedric- With the Lathanderites since the Prequel.  Your typical axe wielding monk tank. Trying to stick out.

Werfia  Bloodaxe-  “Fi Fi” the eptimom of dwarven brawn and errr.. beauty?  Mimi form Drew Carey with an axe!


UNDERDARK as DjSpectre

Tarnis Westwind:
halfling rogue/ranger who had flashbacks with violent outbursts, known for his TPK's and opening the Dunwarren Armory. He Died somewhere in the Underdark

Arthan Dominicus:
Human Paladin who was among the last of the clergy of the House of Light, known for being the person who removed the shackles to and released the famed Green Animatron. Died at the hands of a necromancer assassin in the Temple of Hoar

Halfling Paladin who was the longest active Greycloak, was one of the small handful of survivors in the victory at the Battle for Mycopolis. He died in the mines to a giant while on patrol.

Drago "Copper" Copperskin
Halfling Bard who was famous for collecting dolls and figurines and also became aroused when being tested for Illithid implants. He died trying to reach the surface via The Way.

Halfling Monk who was known for speaking entirely in rhymes (often terrible ones). He died attempting to reach the surface via The Way.

Corrine Lenner: (as an alt account)
Human Fighter who was best known for using the word 'rothe' as both a verb and a swear word and as one of the few 'slain' by Montezzi only to be raised when the assassin couldn't carry her body  any longer and dropped her corpse in the Bazaar. Died by way of being melted by acid by the Chosen during one of the last caravans to get people out of Sanctuary following its fall.

Kobold who assisted in excavating what would have been a shrine to the kobold patron. Died to a dwarf in Lower while trying to kill and rob a goblin

Current as DjSpectre

Juniper Strides:
Halfling who's been around since the ziggurat went active. Shaping up to have as bad of luck as Tarnis in the way of TPK and near-TPK experiences.

Flyne Amraphen:
Human Lathanderite who's not quite himself and well....yeah.

Deanna Gallows:
Human woman who doesn't like her hair messed up, but also won't miss out on a fist fight.

Drakill Tannan

Drakill Tannan:

Isendel Tremayne (maybe..)
Gedd (untill i begin to make my -other- wizards)


Alyssara Nil'Vara - My first character when I had very little idea about the server environment.  The first participant in the ill-fated Watch Wizard program.  Retired for a very long time, then for a sense of closure, she died attempting to ascend to the surface through 'The Way'.

Shayleigh -  My ranger/rogue.  I tried a slightly looser concept and it didn't work out as planned.  I ended her shortly after her death on a Traensyr mission that turned into a spectacular failure.

Isania Symbaern -  My first attempt at an Evil-Aligned character on any server, ever.  Rose to the rank of Spellguard Operative.  Had the most embarassing death I'd ever thought could happen.  The character as a whole was the most fun I'd had on EfU though.

Calley Olwyn - My first human. Naive Seeker Bard, participated in the rebellion and the Spellguard Tower raid that resulted in the journal of Frederick Bresley being found.  Part of the first group to make it up the Way following the fall of Sanctuary.  Retired her to the Sated Shark shortly after EfU:A started.

Ilyra Iliathor - My first character made for EfU:A.  Priestess of Hanali; she was part of the group the Forgotten Flower that kind of just....dropped off the map.  Retired her early due to RL matters.

Still conceptualizing my next character. -.-


Benito Anselmo Delgado: Spellguard Operative - Still alive. Waiting. Plotting.

As well as a multitude of failed characters, most of which were perma-killed by angry dm's that are envious of my spectacular abilities of being awesome.


I never shy away from the chance to shamelessly promote myself, so here goes:

Lance Lathain - Spellguard Operative and the worst build ever. Like,. silent spell or something Played back many years ago, and caused me much frustration as I strived for level 8, and always died mere xp points from it. Died in Ferious Worn's arms. LANCE NOOOOO!

Ilmryn Illiandrio - Spellguard Agent, Worshipper of Gargauth. I can't remember how he died.

Alexander Ershar - CE Seeker Hero, killer of children and raider of Spellguard Towers.

William Donrick - Womaniser, Councillor, Advocate of the Sanctuary Shelter, loved by many, and died getting mashed as he loved.

Brandon Hammersmith - Watch Private, executed for the murder of some Banite Councillor I forget the name of!

Cedric Mason - CG Seeker Hero, killed after misplacing his trust in some Lower guys, after they promised not to murder anyone in the attack of New Dunwarren.

Jonas Kohler - Shit stained Rebellion Wizard, ate too many pies and became fat. Died on the Way.


Malachi Kent - My most played and favorite PC, he's a human ranger who describes himself as a woodsman, and a man of nature.  He's been around a while now and has a great backstory, has been involved in a few PvPs, and has scraped the surface of some plotlines.  He's definitely been the most fun I've had on the server thus far.
Elrendel Melin - My wannabe Arcane Archer, I kinda stopped playing him so much once his app got denied, but he's still around and hasn't been permadeathed yet... maybe one day I'll bring him out for an event just to die for closure.  Although since he's a dedicated archer (dedicated so much that there is not a melee weapon in his inventory) this may prove difficult.
Kisha D'Elvenbane - My first PC on the server(actually carried over from when I played NWN a few years back) and a priestess of Lurue.  She has a big backstory that no one has RPed enough with her to find out IG yet... She's still around but doesn't get much play time anymore.
Aradan Moonbow - Half & Half Ranger/Rogue, didn't really do much but make some friends around the colony.  He mainly wandered around the wilds a lot.  He became the sacrifice of a Cyrist Cult.


Valter Olev: Stygian Aspirant, total ass hole, Mr.McGreedypants.

The Crimson Magician

Kal - Halfling Druid who sold wands to the Spellguard

Trinden Fair - Halfling Sorcerer, eaten by an orc PC no less!

Kitstirex - Part of a fast-growing evil monstrous PC faction, this kobold was great fun to play.

I haven't considered any characters on the surface that I've had successful.