Need advice on buying a pc

Started by Denko, June 27, 2009, 12:29:24 PM

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So I want to buy a pc, a portable one. I already asked for advice around, but I still have questions:

Is Vista ok for gaming? I heard games didn't work well with it, yet I also heard it was the case before, but not anymore. I wanted to get Windows Xp, but I haven't found a shop that still sells decent Windows Xp pcs, only Vista.

I want to get a wireless USB connection. Is it a reliable connection? As if, I won't get disconnected (too much) while playing? The one I want is 3Mb. Is it fast enough to play NWN?


Stay away from integrated graphic cards if you're planning on running games on the computer. I haven't experienced many problems related to playing games on windows vista, and most of them can be dealt with somehow.

Drakill Tannan


IMO, if you know how to use a mac, buy one. I would if i knew how. Otherwise just stay away from vista and get XP. You can always buy a Lap with vista and install windows XP on it later, sell your vista licence afterwards (to pay for the XP copy, wich might be hard to find, unless you're aiming for a pirate one in wich case i'd like to persuade you not to...)

NWN can run well on vista, yes. But if you like good old games in general Vista is a pain in the ass. Also Vista will most likely ask you to upgrade to windows 7. And following the pattern all of microsoft's operative sistems have, it will be pure, absolute garbage for the first years, untill they start planning a better one (by that time it will probably be better than any other operating sistem by windows). I hear some games, like Starcfaft crash in Windows 7.

Or have a friend who knows about linux install it on your lap and install a windows emulator. ironically, it works better than an original windows...


What games do you intend to run on the computer, Denko? We may be better able to answer your first question if you answer that. Personally, I have not experienced any problems with games such as Counter Strike, The Guild 2, Vampire the Masquerade, Warcraft 3, Neverwinter Nights, Europa Universalis 3, Diablo or Empire Earth. Even Starcraft has worked almost satisfactionary but for the occasionally graphical trouble I believe relates more to my integrated graphic card than to Vista.


I got a laptop with Vista since I would've thought they had fixed shit up and people were exaggerating and such by now. Recently switched back to XP on the same machine, the difference is amazing.


Quote from: Talir;132945What games do you intend to run on the computer, Denko? We may be better able to answer your first question if you answer that. Personally, I have not experienced any problems with games such as Counter Strike, The Guild 2, Vampire the Masquerade, Warcraft 3, Neverwinter Nights, Europa Universalis 3, Diablo or Empire Earth. Even Starcraft has worked almost satisfactionary but for the occasionally graphical trouble I believe relates more to my integrated graphic card than to Vista.
I intend to run NWN, and any recent games that interest me. I want to get a NVidia graphic card, if it can help.


Talir is definitely right, do not get an integrated graphics card.

Other than that, if your main intent is to run NWN most modern laptops will run it with 0 trouble at all. To play more recent games, you'll want to get a bit fancy.


I've had no real trouble running games on Vista, it just takes a small amount of concentration when you have to select "Run as Administrator" instead of merely double-clicking.


Depends if you want it for gaming, and how much power you need. If you just want an office computer, is the place to go. What's your budget?


There is no problem with vista with a proper machine and less user error. I use 64 bit vista and have no issues at all outside of DOS games which I in turn use an emulator for <_<


There is really nothign wrong with vista. But if you don't mess with some of the settings (IE: Turn the features made for 70 year old computer  illiterate retired folks off) It's going to take up a fair amount of system resources to run the operating system, translating to a better system needed to run any games decently. Meaning you need to spend more money to get some 'oomph' behind your games.

For NWN an integrated graphics card will run it, by the way. You won't be able to play on the highest settings but it will run fairly well on a modern integrated media accelerator.  As for newer game though, it won't be able to play them at all.

As for Macs, I can't really speak for them. But from what I hear, they don't support a lot of games that are made for windows, and there is no windows emulation software, meaning you need to install windows alongside the mac anyways. For gaming, I'd say Mac is not the answer.

XP works fine, and if you're a windows man it's probably your best bet to get up and running quickly with something you know and love.

Linux can sometimes be a bitch to get working 'just right' and finely tuned to your needs, and some games can be hell to install if you're newer at the linux game. (Not to mention some windows games are not supported natively by linux)  Thankfully there are a few windows emulators that let you run pretty much any windows program you could hope for.

 One thing I will stress though, is when playing games on Linux, 9/10 times I have noticed they run much better through the linux OS itself or a windows emulator, than in windows itself.  This especially includes NWN. Framerates and loading times I have found to be much faster.

(If you do go linux, Pm me and I can help you avoid some of the "OMG HALP" phases related to getting started with a linux based system!"


Well, I want to go for a system with, more or less, 3 Ghz, 3Gb of memory, and the latest Nvidia card available. Only for gaming and internet, really. Sorry for being a computer dummy, but what is an integrated graphic card?


If you want that in laptop, it's gonna cost you couple thousand.

Edit: meaning latest graphic card available for laptops, and about 3Ghz of good processor and good ram. Gaming laptops are not cheap.


'Integrated graphics' is pretty much in 'Normal people speak' - A graphics card included with pretty much every motherboard, with very low specifications, simply to allow for better basic video display.

In short - When buying the laptop, if they do not make any mention of graphics, chances are it only has an integrated graphics chip.

For most pre 2002 games, any modern (post 2002) integrated graphics chip can almost certainly play them, but maybe not at full quality.

Let me stop you before you make a big mistake, too.

You don't want the 'latest' card unless you're one of those people who absolutely has to brag about having the newest and shiniest toy. You're going to pay anywhere from 200-400 MORE for a relatively small performance increase.

If you want to be able to play games like crysis or far cry 2, etc. You don't even need the newest card, or even a card from this year.  You can get something made around last year which has only slightly lower specifications, for  either half the price of top of the line cards, or maybe even cheaper than half the price. And You'll still be able to play 'new' games, and play them well.

If Possible, try to see the price of your computer you want with 2gb of ram and with 3gb.   Some places will rip you off and try to charge you 1-200 for that extra GB, when if you buy it separately you can usually get a GB of ram for like 30-60$.


My advice:

Nvidia video card.

NWN requires quite small amount of speed, so wireless will do well. I've 1mb wireless and I've no lag when playing efu. If you wish to play other games, 3G tends to have 150ms ping so it's not probably too good for those.

Vista. There's really no reason to buy XP, unless your comp is not powerrful enough to run it.

Most of the cheap laptops can run NWN well, as long as you stay away from ATI video cards.
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip