New Weapons for EFU:A

Started by Wern8, August 07, 2009, 10:14:15 AM

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Blake the Boar

I am gladly getting the feeling this is going somewhere, and feel excited about it. Kudos to Wern8 for bringing it up, whether it works or not, we all at least now know that it is possible.


yeah, I figured there would be some other issues with doing this via override. Still, funny to see. However, if these things (animations and everything) can be changed via NWNX that'd be amazing and awesome.


Also, just curious, but what options does this NWNX module offer? Trying to find it to read any documentation on it. Sounds nifty


No, please don't mistake this for progress and get your hopes up on my behalf.  "Knowing about something" is quite a bit different that "wanting to do something," and that's even very different from "going to do something."  I have no desire to spend the time thinking about how this is going to work.


The forums should be more up-to-date than the website. Documentation is... scattered... We use the Linux plugins, since our server is Linux. You'll see some posts by ExileStrife in there. ;)

Also, just because a plugin exists doesn't mean it'll work on our server - it also has to work with the currently-compiled version of NWNX that our server is running.

It's not just a module or a collection of scripts, it's sort of like an enclosing environment for nwserver that intercepts data and replaces it. Or at least, that's my understanding of it.


Also my understanding, Scotty. Thanks for the link. :-)


Oh wow. Not that these would be used, but that weapon plugin allows for crits to be disabled against PCs while remaining enabled against NPCs. (like, PvP no crits, PvE yes crits).

Also allows for any ability score to modify the attack roll and makes all light weapons finessable >.> So Wisdom based attacks -could- be possible afterall! :-)