New policy discussion thread

Started by lovethesuit, August 18, 2010, 08:24:23 AM

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While I don't really appreciate 4chan's puerile humour, I fail to see how it's productive to outright ban it. Indeed, putting a post like that up seems like it would entice even more trolling.


You hit the point on both sides, Derf. This however is community that those who wish to play will and have to watch if they want to try and take part on anything.

Argument of saying that people don't have to read or watch it, has been just as much a reason to push people away as the ones you wrote about. Things go both ways, and when it's about community and maturity as you said, not reading or watching is often not an option unless you just stick outside totally and simply play the game without taking part on the discussions. Which is actually done by this other side of the line quite a lot, when those on the other side have left game as they felt they were not allowed to share their hearts fill of so said mature talking and humour.


Yeah, and when I read something uninteresting or offensive I don't read it, instead of crying. It works wonders. The IC forums, in game, and serious discussion topics are rarely trolled harshly, and when they are, it's totally understandable to tell off actions which take away from those things; which is basically how it's always been. The fact some people can't grasp that and feel the need to blow anything here out of proportion is rather sad, but good things come to an end eventually I suppose.



Not much of a troll myself, but derflaro takes the words outta my mouth.


I honestly think that all the people who enjoy trolling and etc should come hang out in #efugross. It's very simple to join, but it is NOT the channel advertised and linked from our main website, it is NOT the place where newcomers go to get their first OOC impression of the server and ask for help.

I really enjoy a good troll, or just watching a good troll or story or joke or blabla even if it's a little dirty. I don't see why those of us who do can't move it to #efugross, because at the moment the only problem is that a lot of people who should be there aren't. It's not much of an effort from "our" side, but it would hopefully allow #efu to be more formal while we could still have fun.


#efugross is full of pseudo-trolls like "Bonhomie". It's a waste of time.


A place where the only spontaneity in the humor is whether or not it really is humorous is not really worth spending time in. Though this is not a topic about #efugross and who should and should not be in that particular labled container that fits neatly on the shelf.


I was more for perma-bans of the OOC forum being handed rather than making new policies, myself, alas the more administrative side of EFU staff decided to give a warning/policy before banning people who engages in disrespectful jabber.

I still prefer the sneak attack bans.



p.s. i think these kinds of posts are embarrassing, i mean srsly imagine a new guy coming and reading how the community is/has to be policed on irc and that we aren't allowed to copy and paste stuff from the internet on the internet.

Also, why do half the people think trolling = hatred....isn't it like completely not that which is why it is trolling?

p.p.s i hate u all


What derflaro said.  If it is offensive / bothersome don't bother with it.  That is precisely the reason I do not join IRC in any fashion.  It isn't worth the head ache.  I play and I forum post... seems to work so far.  
Maybe I'll never be an "insider" because of the lack of IRC time, but I am involved with the community to have fun / contribute, not be an "insider" persay.
As they say:
If you don't like whats on TV - Change the Channel!!!

Winston Martin

This isn't your "goblin bomber ruining in-character weddings" Johannes.


Yeah, #efugross is basically trash, and not much of interest goes on in there - and that's because it was intended as a replacement for #efu - to offer a popular alternative venue for the trolling and trashtalk and intellectual detritus that usually pollutes #efu. Instead what we got was a bunch of people calling eachother niggers.

I still think the idea is sound though, and encourage people to just come to #efugross to vent about something that bothers you, rather than air your grievances aloud in #efu, where the things you say can bother the players there who only go to the channel to be in contact with DMs.

As for the actual issue with the new policy, I think it's a little bit silly to single out "4chan references" as the problem here, when the entire internet is basically overrun with scum, and 4chan really only represents a minor portion of that issue.
I'll grant "No more image macros" is entirely understandable, and so is handing out punishments for being assholes to other players, out of character.

I certainly wish there were a little more transparency on the issue, because I feel like any discussion we have here is going to miss the point completely - obviously something specific brought this change on, but if the Team feels that it'd be inappropriate to give us even a vague idea of what happened to effect a new ruling, that's their prerogative.

Dr Dragon

There already is rules in place about posting innapropriate or pornographic content I think banning a website or all references and links is silly.  

Personally I feel like banning a website is communism plain and simple ive trolled about EFUA being communist before and its hilarious that Im being proven correct.


I think after giving this issue some more serious thought I must say-
