NWN3 Confirmed, Uses 4.0 Ruleset and Setting

Started by GoblinSapper, August 23, 2010, 06:28:48 PM

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What?! Five classes?!

Divine Intervention

Pre determined characters for each class would suck.


Quote from: SawyerTheCleaner;196517What?! Five classes?!


Jayde Moon

Quote from: Divine Intervention;196520Pre determined characters for each class would suck.

Especially if there are only five of them.

Drakill Tannan

Been reading a bit in wikipedia about 4rth ed.
  • No prestige classes, instead slight variations in between the core classes after level 11.
  • No multiclassing, rather, hybirth classes borrowing feats or abilities from other core classes
  • No skillpoints, now skills are just "trained" or "untranined", and are always at a value of 1/2 character level
  • Saving throws have been changed to be similar to AC, with no roll on the affected PCs side.
And many other stuff i don't really get.

But hell, what i liked about 3.0-3.5 was how versatile characters could be, but this seems kinda... static. Sucks.


Tried Co, tried STO...for what those both ended up being Cryptic may burn in hell far as I'm concerned. You know what this sounds like? Gauntlet Legends, old console/arcade game where you had around 5-6 predetermined character classes with set races and everything and you all played together, but for its time it and the one following it were pretty fun. Had to do special mission areas or collect a hidden coin to unlock advanced versions like the Valkyrie and as you lvled up all yer weapons/armor actually changed so at 1st lvl you looked like a homeless guy in the docks but at the final lvls you looked like a bad ass about to go slaughter an army.

Unfortunitly while the class set up may end up like that it sounds like its a MOCO, massive online co op like Guild wars, so if they are trying to copy them Blegh.


Wolololsoobbb ;___;

Jayde Moon

Also, there's only five classes!  WTF


Quote from: Jayde Moon;196932Also, there's only five classes! WTF
At least it is not 5000!
Sometimes in NWN I had the feeling that players where constantly asking for more classes and races up to the point where it was rediculos. Not that this server necessarily has the same problems but....
Sure I am getting some bad Diablo flashbacks or perhaps a more "arcade game" feeling watching the 5 class thingie but let's give them some time....and not doom on forehand what could be ok...
At least it is geared towards multiplayer...


This ladies and gentlemen is Dungeons and Dragons for the Halo generation.


You do know first halo came out at same time with neverwinter nights?


Yeah, but then halo was new and different. Now we have a generation of kids brought up on stagnant FPSs and boring yearly rereleased titles.

Drakill Tannan

Not really, it just means it is a gameplay-focused game rather than a story-focused game. I simply imagine they are using Diablo II as a guideline and man, diablo II is NOT a bad game.


It countinues to keep getting worse.
QuoteJack Emmert of Cryptic says Neverwinter, the online RPG planned for release next year, will be like "a co-op Dragon Age with a touch of Oblivion."
A lot of gamers, myself included, still aren't quite sure what to make of Neverwinter, the new RPG announced last month by Cryptic. It's not an MMOG but it's more than just banging around in Neverwinter Nights. So what's the deal?
"This is an online RPG, a co-op Dragon Age with a touch of Oblivion's exploration," Emmert told Eurogamer. "That is definitely our goal."
"Dragon Age was a very personal experience, and the Neverwinter project is more about exploration and learning about Neverwinter. You're an adventurer, you've been called here [Neverwinter] and you want to seek your fame and fortune like any true D&D adventurer would," he said. "The focus is a little bit different, but in essence yes, we have the cinematics, the NPCs, the voice acting and the so forth and so on."
But Emmert also noted that while the game will be an online RPG, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be multiplayer. "You can play solo. You're always online; you're never offline. But you can certainly solo through the content," he continued. "There will be persistent areas you travel to where you might see other players, but nobody's going to hold a gun to your head to play with them. There will be content that is team only, but in those cases, if you want to solo it, you can just hire NPC henchmen."
Neverwinter will be similar to Guild Wars, with instanced dungeons, henchman and social hubs, and will offer post-release support "just as if it were an MMO." So why not make things easier for everyone and just call it an MMO? "By relabeling it I want people going in knowing that we're doing things differently to an MMO," he said. "That doesn't mean that we won't have as many features, it's just that those features might be different."
Neverwinter is scheduled to come out sometime next year, exclusively for the PC.
