Started by godofpaincc8, February 09, 2011, 11:03:20 PM

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i dont mean to disrespect the DMs or cause trouble but every request i make is rejected. Recently anybody whos seen me play Rufus Entreri please tell me if i was doing anything wrong with him. I had no idea i was supposed to apply to play anybody related to famous characters. So i did what any good player would have done and decided i would follow the rules and make an application. REJECTED. This character was my fav and my highest. I have good knowledge on the Artemis Entreri as i have read almost the whole book series including him in them. (P.S. anybody else read them). So what do i have to lie and not tell DMs about my characters to play them. Because apperently everytime i try i will be rejected. I tried to apply to  be a drow wizard (REJECTED). Its a Bunch of BS this server i thought might be fun but no any thing i wanna play to make the game more interesting i have to "apply" to do it. I would have no problem with it if they (A-C-C-E-P-T-E-D) anything. But no. I am making a new character now as my funnest character is "retired" until allowed. I m telling you its BS. Im gonna make a poll if you think Rufus was a good character and that i was playing him fine please vote "GOOD" if you think i overtold everybody who i was and made it clear i was a terrible player please vote "BAD" DMs of course also can vote.:(

Spiffy Has

We take things like being related to Artemis Entreri, Drizzt Do'duden, and "Elminister you to bad health" very srsly on this server.

You can play a PC who is not related to them. If you were a drow, you'd of died (Saving you grief, tbh, I think it was kind of them to save you the heartbreak). You're new to this server, play a few months, make some friends, get a general feel for the environment.

Trust me, just give it time.

Luke Danger


Well, hey, I get rejected a good bit too, sometimes for reasons I can't really get (for example, Gloin went for a Sharb armsman during the Sabuthan war; there was never an IC reason given for him being booted despite the fact he was a proficient fighter and the dwarf he followed was a key player in Sharb's forces), but that's life.

As for apping to play a drow wizard, some subraces are considered to be very key, and the DM's are going to make sure that a player can properly RP the character. As for needing to app to be related to someone famous, that makes sense as the DM's don't want a hundred "Nieces/Cousins/Distant Relatives" of Nasher, the Lords of Waterdeep, and Genghis Khan coming out of the woodwoork, it would kill the sense of continuity.

Not telling the DM's about your characters is a bad idea, that's asking for punishments later. My advice is to play a 'small' character with little-to-no ties in other established canon besides common knowledge, ideally new to the island if you're still learning the server, that way you can learn so you can RP later characters properly.

Just my 2 cents


This isn't exactly contsructive. Have you tried talking with a DM on mIRC?

Listen in Silence

I agree, it's complete bullshit. I want to be an avariel archmage and bastard offspring of the drow seer from Hordes of the Underdark but the DM's would never let me.

I sure wish there was some place, sort of like my own house or a different location adjacent to it, where I could roleplay such a character using a platform different from NWN and EFU-- perhaps even just, a paper and pen. Or a pen and paper if you will.

(For more kind responses, see Luke Danger's and Spiffy Has'. They're pretty much spot on.)


thanks for the info guys but also i play DnD in real life i play "Forgotten Realms" i play "Greyhawk" i play "Ravenloft" i play so many of them and roll play well. I know how to roll play. Im a very good player at the table im never brealing rules unless i didnt know it was a rule. I have good knowledge about DnD. I have played a drow character in the DnD game at my house i found it hard challenging and fun. I really enjoy drow wizards as wizards are my favorite class including rogue. Also i have not seen any other "Entreris" in game and i play everyday other than saturdays
"DnD" night. And some poeple i asked through pm say they never even heard of artemis entreri. And plus like i said i made a Rufus Entreri not the Artemis Entreri. Ive been playing the server for 2 months now and love it. Its just i wish i could expand that fun and certain DMs are not allowing my characters to grow high enough level before they either "retire until approved due to some thing i dont even know about" or he is not alllowed to be that without permission and as soon as i ask one day later "REJECTED"i just wanna have fun :(


I'm not sure you fully grasp how silly you are being. This post is an excellent example of why you probably shouldn't be playing Artemis Entrieri's cousin (who we would not approve for anyone, as that NPC doesn't exist in our universe) or a drow. It does not really demonstrate an abundance of maturity, nor does anything else I've personally seen from you.

Complaints may be issued privately, or you can accept that you don't quite yet understand what we're doing here and play along properly  until you understand. Or you can play elsewhere.

Locked, for your own sake.


P.S. This is EfU, and it's not really similar to most PnP.


This thread is pretty amazing.
i walked one morning to the fair