v1156 - Unconscious Bodies, Persistent Corpse, and Backpacks

Started by Mort, February 13, 2011, 11:55:36 PM

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We'll be introducing a new mode of subdual combat: The Black Out mode, that you can set yourself on to knock someone unconscious.

/c subdual BO
/c subdual Black Out
/c subdual Blackout

You can then pickup the body and carry it around, a "UNIQUE POWER:SELF" will be on the corpse if you want to wake him/her up Or you can wait the delay that it takes for people to wake up (generally 5 minutes).

Secondly, corpses will now be persistent for the duration of a reset, which means if you died and crashed, your corpse will remain where you died during that time even if you are logged off. When you log back in, people will be able to raise you, or you will be able to respawn just fine. This will allow people to have funerals, or sacrifices, or (possibly necromancy, in the future!) with more dramatic representation IG.

Finally, Backpacks. Every instance that someone drops his entire inventory on the ground (Death, subdued, blacked out, drop_pack command), an item called "XXX's belongings" will be dropped along with it. If you pick this item up, it will pick up XXX's entire inventory (and add weight exactly as if you had picked everything). This allows several thing:

 - Moving the inventory of your dead allies without having them cluttering your inventory, passing an hour figuring out which are your potions and which are his, etc...
 - Moving the inventory of a blackout individual along with his body more easily.
 - Confiscating the inventory of one of your prisoners.
 - Helping us DM with events where you are captured, etc., or clearing bodies when there is a TPK; now it will be much easier to clean up battlefields from a bunch of locked pc packs littering it...

On a sidenote, the dreaded double-death bug as well as all inventory/death weirdness should be FINALLY fixed. This will be possible next Update.


Also, thank you to all the people who helped me betatest this system. Very appreciated!


i walked one morning to the fair


Please do not overly use "/c subdual blackout" - it's a very expensive operation, and prone to occasional bugginess. To a degree I think it's unavoidable, so please only use it sparingly and for a specific target and purpose.


Also, please be aware that the "Pack of Belongings" item will not store items persistently through resets. So you should open it up and take out the belongings as soon as you get a chance.