Meet the next President of the United States

Started by Meldread, November 05, 2008, 02:50:29 AM

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Meet President Elect Barack Obama.

As of 9:46PM Eastern Standard Time, I'm calling it for Obama.  If all that has happen stands it's over.  McCain just doesn't have the math to get to 270 Electoral Votes unless he can pull off a major upset, which does not even look possible at this moment in time.  Once the polls close on the West Coast, it's over.

I just hope everyone who could vote got the chance to vote in this historic election.

Gullible Righteousness

Then let us congratulate and celebrate the victory of Barack Obama.
At 200 current electoral votes, many small states, and the electoral votes placed in the hands of California still waiting to pour into his count, it is easy to see that Obama will be winning, with only 15 more needed, in account to winning this long, and tiresome battle, held between Barack Obama, Senator of Illinois, and John McCain, Senator of Arizona.


As of 11PM Eastern Standard Time, it is official.  Barack Obama is now the President Elect of the United States of America.



Mccain is giving his concession speech as I type!



McCain looked so cool when he gave his speech.  He was very gracious in his acceptance of Obama's victory.



Let the drunken parties world wide now begin.


Obama looks so tired.


His hair looks like it's shot with less gray than it was last week, though.


Right now car horns are blaring, people are cheering, parties are happening, and everyone is jubilant for Obama's victory. :)


Tis a historical date indeed!


Its a travesty that it took;

  • two illegal wars that have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people
  • the suppressed yet gradual exposure of numerous instances of torture at both the individual and national levels
  • a cowboy disregard for habeas corpus
  • eight years of catastrophically inept and very dangerous foreign policy
  • and the blatant mismanagement of the economy so that the tiniest percentile of the world richest people received less taxes at the ultimate expense of the majority of the people in the world...
...for just over half of you to decide that you did not want a continuation of the same.



Let the man relax until January 20th.  Seriously.  Just chill for a bit.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


i walked one morning to the fair


I for one welcome our new alie-American overlord.


At least we got there, Caddies.