Deceased: Mason Stradzin

Started by godofpaincc8, February 21, 2011, 11:19:28 PM

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its a tragedy mason was killed while roaming the forests in search of a way back to the city when out of no where a pack of forest wolves and a dire wolf come chasing after me.. 0.0 i was running along not really wanting to fight em when another pack of wolves with a dire wolf joined the one chasing me XD i was like holy !@#* because each pack had a lot of wolves i then drank a running potion and booked it. God knows how this happened when another pack came from in front of me blocking my way out. So it was just me and three packs of wolves + 3 dire wolfs. I was screwed on chance he was only 6th level and didnt have very good equipment. My longsword wasnt very good as this server sadly does not have hardly any good longswords to find. And if there were i was very unlucky at finding them. But anyway i tried fighting but got overwhelmed by all the wolves and was sadly killed. Too abd hes the farthest ive ever gotten oh well time to start again the new main is Zachary Greyman another fighter with better stats and batter starting hitpoints i hope he lasts a while. except hes probably not destined for too great as he has a very dark secret lol :D cya in game and sorry to those who liked Mason he was bound to die sometime..:D


Hah. I read your journal. I found it odd that Mason felt that way about Layla and the other cleric after giving a jungle cat corpse as a gift... for animation.

Anyway, good to see you having fun.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


ya i know right :P my journal wasnt completely clear but the next one on my new guy will. currently i have 3 main PCs my new fighter: Zachary Greyman, My new wiz. and my monk. All the other guys i have had died XD i learn something new everytime