Kahuu Shroudwalker of the Desert Sands

Started by UnholyWon, March 02, 2011, 03:27:51 AM

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Kahuu Shroudwalker of the Desert Sands, The Harbinger of Mist, and Stargazer of the Scarab Beetle Tribe.

Kahuu was involved in many things, but do to my availbility to play he was rarely able to see the finished outcome of such large plots and schemes.

I want to think everyone on Team Nature, you all rocked! To each DM that helped with the Mist character plots, thank you. Also thank to everyone else for the RPing.

Also Kahuu believed it was wasteful to throw anything away, and always kept his pack(s) completely full and also kept some precious gifts from friends on his person all the time.

Here are some screen shots of what I enjoyed doing with Kahuu.

This character was created on Thursday, May 20th, 2010 at 01:47:10 AM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 238 times.
The character has spent 11 days, 20 hours, 45 minutes, and 48 seconds online.

Kahuu a LOT of time collecting herbs, meat, berries, and other materials for Starvillage.

Kahuu spent time with other Stargazers giving prayers to the ancestors.

Kahuu was always ready to lay the smack down on a Flayer. Especially Rat Flayers named Rat, but I don't have screen shots of that fight.

Kahuu felt it important to understand the qualities of each form. Bear form was for napping.

Kahuu risked slavery to free a brother held captive by the Tyrant Lord.

The Tyrant Lord of Mens grants Kahuu a look at his brother, and then terms of release are set. Unfornately Brother Tiger was extremely angry.

A race through the Zig, and several hick-ups from lag Kahuu was able to lead the Tiger back to Starvillage to remain as a Guardian.

Best friends of Kahuu.

An uneasy alliance.

One of the several Mist adventures Kahuu lead for other people.

Kahuu goes walking alone into the Mist for the First time.

Trout tells Kahuu of his Mist experience.

Before Kahuu died he knew some where around seventy or more Herbalism and Alchemcy recipes. Also Kahuu was responsible for an explosion of plants being planted all over the server. I was very busy.

Kahuu's heart broke this day when he was confronted with the Abberations of Leged and Izzy. I made Izzy Player cry too.

This isn't how Kahuu died, far from it. He is dead though and finally can rest in peace.

Spiffy Has

Never saw much of him, but impressive as always!


O,o Noooooo Oh well.. He will be missed! An excellent char!


There's a DangerousRapist in the mists
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


*sigh* damn.   Well played mighty scarab beetle!  Another excellent character that added much to Stargazer Lore.

Jayde Moon

Blegh to dying Gazers.

Well done!

The Old Hack

I only met Kahuu once or twice but I loved his battle with Snow!

Also, together Snow and Kahuu found out what the Tiger form is for: tummy rubs!

Hope to see your next character soon!


Blegh to dying Gazers indeed.

Loved Kahuu, U.W., I really did.


Good job.
May his bones hang from the trees.


Sneaking Bear will be greatly missed. :(


Very cool gazer. He was full of awesome lore and it was fun interacting with him.



Aw man, good show all around. What's next?



Only interaction was in that screenie, but it definitely left me wanting to have more! Sorry our contact was so limited.  Next time!


Kahuu was fun to hang around with on Aarak'i. It makes me miss the Stargazers.