Few beliefs I'd like to address.

Started by Mort, July 21, 2011, 11:18:14 PM

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Stargazers are the dwellers of the wild, native to Ymph, they live both  in harmony with the natural world and respect it. They follow the Old  ways for the most part. They suffer, however, of a great deal of prejudices! Think  of the Withering, that curse that eats the flesh of your PC and will eventually  kill all your characters. Think of the Hbala, the foe, the true enemy of  the people of Mistlocke and Ymph. Most, 90% of the population of Mistlocke, blames the stargazers/druids for the return of the Hbala.  Understand that, please, this prejudice that the WITHERING, the fact  that everything bad almost happening is very vivid in the mind of NPCs  and that, helping to stop a tribe of local kobolds, wont curb that  belief away... It isn't even proportional. NPCs wont be tolerant. NPCs  will roleplay their prejudices.

-Death of an NPC.

Subdual is an easy way to make a mundane event out of a not-so mundane event. When you subdue someone, you are still beating them to an inch of their life. It's impossible to subdue NPCs, but it's possible to do so if the DM acknowledges prior to their death. There is still a chance that the NPC might die and that you'll have to do with the consequences of murder, which will be the same as if you murder a PC, depending if the PC was an exiled, a bandit or a citizen.

Hitting someone with a fist as hostile is NOT the same as hitting them with a greataxe. Hitting someone with a fist while fully buffed with magic is NOT the same as hitting them without all this magical support. There are nuances that your character should be aware of and that makes the gameworld seem more real if they are taken into account.

I dislike when players portray other players who roleplay these nuances and prejudices as the bad guys. They're not! You dont have to be CE to have prejudices. You can be LG, NG or CG. I dont want to seem like the bad guy by enforcing these either, but I'll play that role and enforce it if need be.

Arch Rogue

The Old Hack

Prejudices are part of roleplay and they help make things interesting. I should make two small comments, however. One, while I may or may not be ICly irritated at someone showing a prejudice, I do reserve the right to become ICly very irritated indeed at someone who insults or is rude to my character for not sharing a prejudice. Two, if I am the target of that prejudice, I am very likely to respond negatively indeed. I may not consider the person showing the prejudice to be a villain or 'bad guy', but I am highly likely to consider said person an enemy.

Having a prejudice (or many of them) is not a license to play like an ass and be immune to repercussions. Those who share your prejudices may well back you up. But the people you aim them at will remember, and will not necessarily choose the pacifistic option of trying to convince you that you are wrong.

Drakill Tannan

What about new PCs to the island, are they likely to have a prejudice on the stargazers? After all they don't know any of it.


Quote from: Drakill Tannan;251834What about new PCs to the island, are they likely to have a prejudice on the stargazers? After all they don't know any of it.

I'd say they'd be more likely, not less, since the first thing they're likely be told of the Stargazers is that they're responsible for H'bala, the Withering, and the plight of the island. Having no prior knowledge of Stargazers, and hearing that they're savage cannibals, it seems to me that they become very easy and believable villains.


but they are so cute



I, as a player of an elf, will forever play my current and all future elves as utterly hateful regarding half-orcs or other PCs with orcblood. Orcs are, as some may not know, the ancestral enemy of the elves and so i feel this is completely justified. As for relations to other races. All my chars are rather tolerant as i think tolerance lets me have fun with more people... To me, personally, its not that fun to log on and know 90% of the players online will kill you on sight. That is not my cup of tea, it's propably also why i don't play major villains.

TL;DR version

racism and hate is good, as long as it makes sense for your char..


That all makes sense.

In the case of Muster vs. Stargazers I for one didn't know OOCly (since im new) and ICly of such a background that acted as a motive for the assailant. I of course reacted to it as if the attack was a most cowardly attack on two halflings, who helped to find a cure. So that illuminates the whole thing well enough for me :)..


This is one of the things I keep trying to tell people about playing True Neutral characters: it doesn't necessarily reflect some commitment to always find a compromise. It doesn't mean you have to play this Debbie Downer who is always trying to suck the life out of every conflict. It doesn't even mean you're going to refrain from violence, or for that matter, doing someone a favor. It just means that you don't tend toward one of the eight alignment extremes.

A neutral character can still have prejudices, likes and dislikes, and things they're willing to die for. Alignment doesn't change any of that, it just colors it.


But I want to be friends with everyone!


Playing a Stargazer myself, I enjoy the multitudes of prejudices and ways people view stargazers. It adds to the experience.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


I'd like to point out one thing, though. PCs are not commoners; they are not bakers, housekeepers, smiths, who sit around in their 99% Human villages. PCs are adventurers, and by definition see the world, and experience other cultures and different perspectives of the world.

Mort is right, of course. But I would like to see a little nuanciation from adventurers who understand the world is bigger than their town, who knows black and white are but two colors with a hundred shades of gray in between. If your Human is tolerant to Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, Gnomes and whatever it is not hard to become tolerant to another race who has been helpful to you.

Race conflict is fun and I even encourage it, but don't take it to unnatural extremes. I enjoy the race-crimes just like the next man, but keep what I've said in the back of your head.

Big Orc Man

The more the setting feels like 21st century civilized thought, the more depth is lost.

The more it feels like an apocalyptic, gritty struggle of imperfections and prejudices, the more depth is gained!


If you're lucky like me. You'll end up playing a character who has prejudices against everyone and everything.

Ymph does that.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.