Keyvyn Koppers

Started by UnholyWon, August 14, 2011, 06:36:32 AM

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Quote from: Keyvyn KoppersThis character was created on Friday, June 24th, 2011 at 12:32:24 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 92 times.
The character has spent 4 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes, and 51 seconds online.

Koppers talking to one of his favorite women. Much love for the Abigail!

Koppers in the fugue. Even in death he was unable to escape the horror of the Hog's Helm.

Here are the actually stats for the Hog's Helm. It added to a lot of interesting RPing. Thanks Cluckyx!

Thanks and much love to everyone that participated in Koppers fun. I had a blast playing Koppers, but I look forward to rolling up something new.


A shame to see him go! Neat character, good luck on the next one.


It was amazing to watch this little man evolve as he got involved with darker things. Superb!


I waited with bated breath to see the day Koppers would manage to get that helm off his head. But this server is full of sad endings :(

The Old Hack

Darn. I liked Koppers and it would have been a cool story to find a way to get him out of that helm. *grumble*

The Boom King

Koppers was the bees knees. Shame to see him go. :(