Missing Loot for Players!

Started by Mort, October 12, 2011, 12:42:22 AM

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A long time ago. Some people went on a rather hard Fey quest that turned rather sourly. It was a very long event and I remember promising these players some hard-earned treasures when I had time to make them.

Well, I got fairly busy during that time and couldn`t deliver on this promise. So if you want your loot for one of your newer character, I'd be happy to provide it. If you were on the Fey Quest and survived, send me a PM, here, on the Forum and the character you`d wish the loot to be made for.

On a related note, the winners for the Design a Monster Contest were:


If you would send me a PM and the name of your character, I will make you something unique for each of your selected character.

Thank you!