Character Names and Portraits

Started by Talir, February 22, 2012, 06:34:50 PM

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We have seen a growing trend of ill-named characters. Please consider a proper first name and surname for your character at creation, alternatively a firstname alone (although this isn't favorable). Nicknames is something I feel should be earned as a matter of character progression or what you call yourself - but this is not your name. Titles too are bad for character names.

I've retired a few of those that stood out in recent times. I'll help you get your gear and experience back as a courtesy this once.

Names can be applied for as well and can be "approved" that goes outside the norm.

But I don't want to see any more of these ridiculously named characters that don't fit the setting. They will be retired indiscriminately.

It goes without saying that any obvious references to popular persons - historical or fiction - is not allowed either.


Have to reiterate this, strongly.

Titles like "John the Warrior", "Jane the Dog Killer", "Doug the Dark" are not appropriate.

Just use a proper first name and a last name. Or alternatively just a firstname.

Save yourself the trouble of having to remake your PC.


I wish to remind about this as well as say something about portraits. Please do not create characters with portraits resembling something completely else than who they are. The characters portraits are not supposed to depict their "inner nature", what they can summon or their magical abilities. That means you do not use dragon or lich portraits for human or elf creatures, for instance. If you can't find a fitting portrait I suggest going with the blank bioware portrait for female and male characters.

And if you really, really must have this skeleton portrait for your dwarven adventurer, rename all four of those portrait picture files so none else will have to be confused with your character's outlook.
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip