-LARGE- Cheers from the Top Hat Gnome Clikit Slyeyes

Started by UnholyWon, September 30, 2012, 04:36:36 AM

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[COLOR="Green"]A little Character History: [/COLOR]Clikit was born into a large gnomish extended family that all over Toril. Nomadic in their ways, Clikit's family focused on exploration, archaeology, and tourism. They began chronicling their adventures through verbal histories that have been passed down through the generations. Clikit's family always tried to remain hidden in the shadows never to disturb the history that was occurring in front of them, or the history they found. They considered themselves only watchers, but it was Clikit that took to his chaotic nature and began using pranks to bring himself into the stories. After a large prank and grand celebration Clikit found himself lost with in a city without his family, and no way to find them. Over the years Clikit travelled alone or with other races spending time in cities with gnomish women. It was common for gnomish women to speak of Clikit's charm. Often stating he had the slyest eyes they'd ever seen, so sly they could convince a jewel to sparkle within Baravar's shadow. After several long and fruitful years of planting his seed across Toril, Clikit was mysteriously deposited on Ymph by the mythallar. Clikit having no money, no home, and no food quickly convinced a Caermyn associate to recruit him. Believing he could live fat off Caermyn coin he quickly found himself unceremoniously inserted into the feud between Markin Buckbane and everyone associated with Aberdenn. Clikit having taken greater interest in the history of Mistlocke he is finding the political feud between Caermyn and Aberdenn effecting his research in such a way that he is unable to find anyone willing to work with him. Clikit is now beginning to see how untrustworthy Caermyn is to the community of Mistlocke and surrounding factions and associations is now seeking a faction that shares the same interests for history and archaeology as himself. Also has the same charms of a wilderness and nomadic people Clikit grew up in.

Clikit was 94 years old, lots of wives and lots of children, and he was Chaotic Neutral with a dash of fucking nuts. I tried to really RP the withering that was happening to him, and the various changes that were affecting him because of it. The withering definately caused him to be more blood thirsty towards the end. Perhaps that is why he was so ready to sacrifice that child? Clikit claimed that he was part fey, and that was only for story line purposes, and he would have likely been scared to death of them if he met one, a real fey that is. The top hat was something that came entirely from the portrait of Clikit, but it was something of a signature for him at the end. He kept momentos of all his good friends that died. Buckbane a emerald given to him by Joseph Oaktower, Jano's Token, and Yngvi's token also. He fancied himself an archaeologist, but never discovered anything of note, besides a bad case of the withering. Those that earned his friendship earned it forever.

Clikit got his boots after having a run in with a Mist Beast pretending to be one of his many children. Thanks to the DM that gave me these!

Clikit recieved his bow from a strange individual in the dells that wanted to hear stories. Clikit's story was about Junga the Great Tiger Spirit of Chult. The bow had it's downside, on respawn Clikit started bleeding out, which lead to several frustrating deaths. Other then that the bow was freaking awesome, and Clikit had tons of times to change it. Thanks to the awesome DM for this piece of greatness!

Clikit just learned that his best friend Markin Buckbane was killed by Aberdenn, but the Watchers have great news, your in! And I just saved a bundle on my car insurance by switching to Geico!

Thanks to Rani (WWind) for an awesome induction!

The following are Clikit's friends. Sadly I didn't get pictures of all of you, but damn it you know who you are!

Our conversation made me laugh so hard.

Hanging with Cassie and Jano. We kept fearing that Jano might try and eat us, so Cassie brought in snakes.

Clikit and Overgold has several nice little chats, but there was one thing they didn't agree on to the point of frustration and annoyance. Half of me thinks Clikit just liked getting a rise out of Overgold, serious or not.

Clikit thought the crow was a omen from his dead friend Buckbane, but it turned out to be something completely different. In the end Clikit strived to help his new friend collect what it needed.

The Eyeball Queen, it was awesome to really help this character out, to bad we never made it to the goal.

Clikit was honestly bewildered by Reach. He seriously thought she went mad, but she did try to help him with his Archaeology stuff.

Yngvi (KreShar) was probably Clikit's second best friend and favorite hunting partner. Nightly they hunted the server of EFU killing just about anything that moved. It was AWESOME!!

The funeral of Bryndan was a tough one, but we all made it through it.

Clikit was pretty determined to get Jano inducted.

His death came with some DM spice at the Tower of Mercy. It was intense, and thankfully some one was there to carry his body till the end of it so Clikit could place him on a pyre.  

Sayin some good words on Jano's behalf. FIRE! FIRE! FIIIIRRRRE!

Clikit was a deadly shot, even killed a demon or two.

Wonderful of Rill to throw his two cents in and steal a little bit of Clikit's thunder. LOL!

So here we are standing around and Clikit asks, "Hey guys, have you ever got stoned?"

"Drugs are bad, M'Kay."

Trouble with Kobolds

Leave it to Joseph to keep the party going, and now for some gnomish humor!

Things got bad real fast, but it was hilarious too! Locked in a cage with a wart infested Halfling that produces Slaadis when a wart pops. What happens when all that warts pop at one time? To bad no screenies of that hell.  

Wandering the underdark alone is never a good idea. I guess that's why Howland asked me why the hell I was down there. Thanks for not killing me then.  

People there would see Clikit entirely differently after this little event.

One more from Lesp's Arena.

So a party battles their way into the Tower of Mercy...

And they meet some new friends!...

I'm really not sure about Clikit's choice of friends anymore.

Here is why Clikit is called Sly. Thanks to everyone involved in this, definately a highlight.

Clikit's last adventure. His last words were, "I'm going to die for you!"

I want to think everyone that made this character so awesome to play! There are a lot of names out there, and I wish I could remember them all to write them down. Thanks to the DM team, you guys are really rocking right now, so much activity from all of the team!

Again thanks to everyone! I hope you enjoyed him and he inspired you! Now a new quarter of my Master's Program starts, see everyone around!


[sniffles] <3 Mister Clikit.
[20:20] <crump> nature's not outright trying to murder everyone there, it's playing gentle, lures everyone into a false sense of security. then it strikes. chicago's weather is the bdsm of nature systems

The Man In The Mist


My adventuring buddies are dieing. ;-;

God speed, Clikit. You were a caliber of gentlegnome one too high for this life.

It was real, Unholywon. Highfive. o/\o


Sad to see him go, he was a true adventurer. We really had a lot of fun times exploring/hunting together!

Red Swirl

A shame he did not find anything on his archeaological journeys.

That bear rug looks extremely happy, I wish I had one at home!



I knew there was something messed up with that amulet! A whole series of reports was made in regards to it and Perrubo!

Sly indeed.

Unfortunately the PCs involved in the investigation are all dead now. :(

Damnable cold case.

What was his motive though, just a prank?
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


you were awesome man!
it will last, the impression you left!

... amazing times as a crow and as Mriri with you, sir!
I hope to do more at your side on your next concept!


Cool PC, well played, kudos. :)

Wasted Hero

Died too soon :-(   but well played Sir.

el groso

Clikit was amazing, rich in flavor and history, fun to be with and a very well played Gnome adventurer. Well done, man, keep on the good work! :D


Brief interactions I had, where fun! Shame hes gone! Well done man!

Big Orc Man


That gnome is nothing but a Withered Charlatan