EFU In-Game/IRC Quotes

Started by Kotenku, September 08, 2008, 05:53:45 AM

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Oskar Maxon

Seeing as people whine so much about too few IG quotes:
Quote[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *sniffle*
[CCAGS] Lerzon Burtz: [Talk] [crosses his arms, leanding against he pillar]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *wails*
[FatalAddiction] Aerestien Tirqua: [Talk] {Leans lightly on his spear} What lessons do you have to teach in the hunt?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *dabs at his eyes with an old rag*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] G'dark, Mr Riddle
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] 's troubling news. Really troubling.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Good dark, Mr. Blogs.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I only wish that I could've been there m'self when... when...
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] What happened anyway?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] I'm sorry to have to tell you, but Varlam drank a poisoned potion.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] He took his own life.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] H-he...
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] No. No, that's...
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Why?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Why did he do it?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Shakes head.]I do not now, no one does.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I gave him a gift a long time ago *bites his lip*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] A scroll which can raise the dead. He should still have it. We can... can bring him back, a-and talk him outta it.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] He held a speech saying he had done what he intended to on the council, and that he was resigning, then he drank the potion.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *lip quivering*
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Shakes head.]All has allready been tried to bring him back.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] I'm sorry.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He ain't coming back, then?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Shakes head.]No...
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *wails*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] S-sorry. I need a moment
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Can I jus' sit down here?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]Of course.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Th-thanks.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Did you know what Mr Nikitovich did f'me? And for m'wife?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] No, please tell me if you wish.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Hands him a note.]This was his last messege. //pmed.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He gave me a job at the Office of th'Treasurer, when I was financially desolate. M'wife and I were lucky if we were able to eat on any particular day
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Thanks *creases his face into a quivering smile*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' then we could eat.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] We could live in a home
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' Mr Nikitovich didn't stop there.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He b'came my close friend.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Helped me through all sorts of trouble. Whenever I came to him with more difficulties, he'd always lend a hand.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] And so, when I was blackmailed by some horrible woman, he helped me understand that it all meant nothing.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He saved my marriage.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He really did save my marriage. I dunno where Jo and I would be today without him
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Listens, keeping eye contact with Joe, every now and then giving a sympathetic "mm" or a nod.]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' when I was ejected from the Office of the Herald, nothing changed.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] There was a time when I was really desperate, like.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Went into Lower Sanctuary
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Pats him friendly on the back.]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Was really poor again, so we went an' threw our lot in with Mr Ledskir as an accountant.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Actually, Jo didn't know at the time
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *frowns*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] So anyway. Mr Ledskir. He made us do horrible, horrible things. An' he was essentially holdin' m'wife hostage.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I had to get out.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] So I went to Mr Nikitovich, an' he laid out everything for me.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He was the first person I went to about it
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] So we created something of a rebellion down there.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' we found the Spellguard, an'...
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] And we tried to take them down.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] But it backfired, and all the Ledskir were breathin' down my neck.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] But Mr Nikitovich wouldn't have wanted me to give up, I told m'self -
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] And I remembered a pair of potions I received from a late Councilor
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' I drank them, and I jus' managed to squeeze away, with Battleload Jr snappin' at m'heels
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] But my wife. She was in danger
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Y'see, just earlier, Mr Nikitovich offered to have her kept safe at the library.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] She'd get to do her charcoal drawings, jus' like she does at home.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] I see.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I didn't listen. I thought that it would be too dangerous to risk having her seen coming out
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' I really regretted it. Here I was, safe in Upper Sanctuary. And at any moment, they
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] would have crashed down the door to m'house in Lower, and siezed m'wife.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] But you got her out, right?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] So we took a team from Upper Sanctuary, consisting of the Spellguard. Did I tell you that Mr Nikitovich got me friendly with the Spellguard?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Yeah. Yeah, we did.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] It was a real team effort
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Good. [Nods.]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] This group of brave men and women. They distracted the Ledskir
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Yes, you told me.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' that Associate. Associate Blimfrickten
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He went around behind and extracted her
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] We got offered a place to live in the Machine Zone. An' we accepted. Soon after, Mr Ledskir was gone. Jus' a bad memory.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Mr Nikitovich continued to be m'best friend.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I gave him a special potion t'protect himself.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' many days back. I gave him a scroll
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] So that if either he, or m'self, or gods forbid, m'wife got in a twist -
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] We'd help each other out.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]Mhm.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Looks like I could've done a better job *sniffle*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] It ain't fair at all
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I knew that the Council was a bad idea for him
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I told him that he'd need to be really careful. There was like... a curse or something, in that maybe 90% of Councilors died as Councilors
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Looks like the biggest threat to Mr Nikitovich was himself
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I still can't understand it
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Why he'd take his own life
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods slowly.]I don't think anyone can.
ScottyB [DM] : [Tell]  I've got to go; I can do some creative accounting so that Joe gets 100 GP later on, but not today.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Mr Nikitovich was a great man. A great man.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]Yes, he was.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *blows his nose loudly*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] What are the plans for the funeral?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] He wanted to be cremated, he said in his will. And his ashes will be passed to the spellguard, as he dictated.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] But the funeral -
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] What's happening with that?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] He needs t'have a funeral.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] The mausoleum caretaker will be holding the ceremony in about a day now, yes.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Of course he will.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *nods firmly*
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] You had a thought about how he would have wanted it, you wrote?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Yeah. A book donation box. We can encourage everyone to leave something in the box, and the box can be donated to the Library.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] 's always been important to him. The books.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Mmm. Well, maybe more recently than always
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]It's a good idea. I will talk to the caretaker about it.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] An' I think the Library might need financial support too
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Don't worry about Jo and I. We can take care of ourselves.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Donate the money he left with us to the Library
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Take this too, in fact.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] He left 250 for the library, and the rest for you, Joe.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *frowns*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Did he?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Yes.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] How much is the rest?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] So says his will.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Shakes head.]I do not know. I've not got an answer from the treaurer.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] *treasurer
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] About how much his account holds...
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Maybe we can put it to some kind of fund.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] What do you have in mind?
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *scratches his sideburns thoughtfully*
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] I'd need t'think about that
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]Of course, take your time.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] It really is difficult to do justice to everything that Mr Nikitovich did for us
Herald Jafar: [Talk] "Yes! I greet you."
[Seksmisja] Tobias Bross: [Talk] I have a package for you from a dwarf cook.
Herald Jafar: [Talk] "Ah, excellent. That would be my pie. Give it here."
[Seksmisja] Tobias Bross: [Talk] Here you are.  
Herald Jafar: [Talk] "Good! My thanks, have this gold. Clerk Cleidt may also have an errand that needs seeing to."
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] All of us. Not jus' me.
Clerk Myrta Cleidt: [Talk] "Well hello there! Are you up for an errand?"
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods slowly.]Yes.
[Seksmisja] Tobias Bross: [Talk] Certainly.
Clerk Myrta Cleidt: [Talk] "I just need someone to run this paperwork over to the Spellguard Tower. Deliver it to Operative Miller, and he'll reward you."
[Seksmisja] Tobias Bross: [Talk] I'll be off.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Hold onto the money for me? I'll get back to you about it.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Allright, if you so wish.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] Meanwhile, is there anything else we need t'talk about?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] No, just let me or the caretaker know if you come up with anything about the ceremony.
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *nods* Thank you, Mr Riddle, sir.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] You were his closest friend, I think, you should know best what he wanted.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Gives him a warm smile.]
[Arcane_Magi] Joe Blogs: [Talk] *smiles back, then shambles away morosely*

QuoteSheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] You've come for Highhill's goods, then.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods.]
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] [Gazes at Marten, his eyes steely, intense, and unnerving]
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] If I can ask, sheriff, is his death a certainty?
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] It is.
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] Not to pry into your investigat-
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] [nods]
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] The majority of his belongings will be kept by the city.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] As shall all of his gold.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] [Clutches his desk, eyes daring Briars to challenge him]
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] Those are the terms of the councillor's will?
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Pardon me, Sheriff, but that is not what the will said.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] No, it is not.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] It was -I- said.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] The city needs the coin more than this man, whom I have never heard of. It will have it, and he will understand.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] There are some mundane belongings of his that you might keep. Speak to Timmons.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] And get out of my office.
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] My name might be found a few times in past reports of the Watch's sergeant, sheriff.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] [His gaze is intense and frightning]
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] Leave. -Now-.
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] Certainly.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] Excuse me, sheriff, but my work is based on the fact that the last wishes of the dead shall be fulfilled.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Nods. and backs out.]
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] Leave it be, clerk Riddle.
Sheriff Azrus Azzam: [Talk] [Cracks his knuckles, and you remember the rumors of Azzam snapping a woman's neck publically]
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] [Shrugs.]
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] I'm very sorry, Briars.
[Oskar Maxon] Riddle: [Talk] I was not expecting this.
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] Can't say I'll much mourn what I never had.
[Dolorous Edd] Marten Briars: [Talk] Can't say I'm surprised either, clerk Riddle.


03:58 pyth check this out stern
03:58 pyth  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG5-ZuUG_Zk&feature=player_embedded

04:02 Sternhund Humoresque, I'm guessing you're Big Chocolate?

04:03 pyth oh he's big chocolate all right XD
04:03 pyth BIG CHOCOLATE
04:03 pyth XDXD

04:04 Humoresque|Applicating Big Chocolate is what my mom calls me.

04:05 pyth ting>   Big Chocolate is what my mom calls me.
04:05 pyth ;aklshf
04:05 pyth WTF
04:05 pyth WTFWTFWTF
04:05 pyth Oh
04:05 pyth My
04:05 pyth Gawd
04:05 pyth I'm speachless humor
04:05 pyth speachless
04:05 pyth wtf
04:06 pyth You live in virginia or something?
04:06 pyth    Big Chocolate is what my mom calls me.
04:06 pyth Sig'd
04:06 pyth 100% sig'd
04:06 pyth I might even submit that to bash
04:06 Humoresque|Applicating -.-
04:07 Oskar_Maxon lol
04:07 Sternhund Submit that to fmylife.com
04:07 Sternhund My mom calls me Big Chocolate. FML
04:07 Sternhund That's pretty Humoresque. :P
04:07 Stargaze .............


A corrupt ranger would be awesome
Moander's portfolio is...twisted imo
"Psst. Ranger. Lead my group into a bear-cave so I can loot them"
* RwG slips the ranger a 20$

Luke Danger

[Vittori Malorva used War Horn]
*the crowd goes flying and KD'ed*
Rob Darkspell [Talk]: *watches the crowd go flying like Stygians in the afternoon.*
Eliner Helder [Tell]: WHAT?? LOL

[note: Posted with Helder's permission]

Oskar Maxon

Ladies and gentlemen, Big Chocolate strikes again.

[21:04] Girlfriend: Hey, y'know. I'm not going shopping for another hour. Your parents aren't home, we should maybe, hangout? (Codeword) Me: SORRY ON DM QUEST

Luke Danger

Armsman Noilin: [Looks like the Zenherim National Anthem was played on him with a pair of clubs]

Luke Danger

This so warrants posting here, nice idea RwG! Best official letter I've ever seen!

Quote from: Random_White_Guy;123847In what appears to be a commonly sent out form letter, a few things are circled (In bold) from various multiple choice options, as you read the letter

Greeting Citizen,

We are (Glad-Sorry) to hear of your recent (Gain-Loss) at the House of Sharboneth.

As the Governor is a busy man we will take your (Advice-Request-Death Threat) under strict consideration. Know however that it will take some time for us to get return word to you as we are most busy.

In the mean time it is suggested that you (Kindly go walk off a ravine-Please wait patiently-Find someone who cares) to allow us time to see to your task.

We wish you the best of luck with ( You endeavor- Your foolish attempt at treason-Other (Specified below)

Other:(scribbled in a fine hand) Returning your friend to life.

From the Desk of Clerk Janette,


BigChocololol   BK BURGER SHOTS
10:43   Johan_Maxon   What's that?
10:43   BigChocololol   Mini-burger
10:43   Johan_Maxon   Oh.
10:43   BigChocololol   from burger king
10:43   derf   they are really stupid
10:43   Johan_Maxon   Why mini-burger?
10:43   Wiggyboy   Mini...burger?
10:43   BigChocololol   so cheap
10:43   derf   that is what i am asking
10:43   derf   OK
10:43   Johan_Maxon   Biggy burger, I'd order.
10:43   derf   because like a couple american burger places
10:44   derf   are making this shit
10:44   Wiggyboy   what kind of advertisement campaign did they run to convince you people buying tiny burgers is a good thing?
10:44   BigChocololol   hot chicks wanting to have sex with you because your burgers r cute

Egon the Monkey

Sometimes, Potatoes just aren't the solution

Egon the Monkey

Relinquish picking the worst possible time to log out ever:



Shit just got real.



In reference to Chang's Diner...

I should make a health-inspector character...
I wonder how long it would take before he got assassinated?
Or made special of the day list <.<
Furious Wern's soup shop tbh
What'd he sell, Torm soup?
Ah ha.
Torm-ato soup
S-tyr fry
oh geez
Oh oh
that's hilarious
lol and you can have Dim Sune

Oskar Maxon

Duuuuuuudes, IG quotes:
Jonathan Stoud buys amulet of Gruumsh. Elf don't like. Elf tell story.

Quote[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] The story I have to tell you, is of the human child Benjamin.
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] [Nods]
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Benjamin were of good parents, and however short his n'tel'quessir life would be, it seemed it would be bright and full of goodly deeds.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] He grew up as a strong boy, an exemplary in manners. Yet one day, as he rode alone down the path from his home, he saw something glinting in the sand.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] He thought at first it must just be the sun reflecting in the face of a stone, but he reared his steed in, and dismounted.
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] [Nods, looking interested]
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] He kneeled to the ground and swathed some of the dirt away, revealing a ring of oh, such beauty.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] With a tissue he polished it until it gleamed as the sun on the years brightest day.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Of gold it was made, the new treasure found. It was a simple band, but for an inscription in a tongue long forgotten.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Young Benjamin was intrigued by this ring and its inscription, so he put it on his finger, and sat up to ride to the nearest city -
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] There he found a man of wisdom and knowledge, to divine from wence this ring had come.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] The aged man first looked at the ring with much interest, but soon his expression turned to horror, and he pushed the ring away from himself, as one would a burning iron.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And he spoke to the boy; "See this ring destroyed, good boy, for it is of great evil, and else this evil shall taint your noble heart".
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And the boy Benjamin was stunned by the older man's words, and he swore he would destroy the ring, as to not spread the evil within it.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Tell]  Sure thing
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] He pocketed the ring and left for home, where he directly made his way to the manor's smithy, where he sought to throw the ring into the forge, for its magics to dissipate as it slowly melted in the heat.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Yet when he stood there, the boy most noble of heart, he hesitated.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] For while he rode to town to divine the ring, he had bourn it on his finger, and in this while, its evils had already sought themselves inside him, little by little twisintg he mind and heart.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Though he knew that he should destroy the ring, he never did. He said to himself that surely, the old man could not be right that such evils could be held in this ring.  
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And as beautiful as it was, he wished to keep it. Still, there was fear in him, brought rightly so by the old man's words, and he dared not wear the ring, but kept it in a box underneath is bed.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] However, when alone at night, he would open the box and take out the ring, admiring its glimmer on his finger in the candlelight.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And little by little, further of the ring's evil tainted his heart, twisting him, charming him until one night, he looked at the ring, and he wanted to see it again, in sunlight , as he saw it when he found it.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] So he kept it on his finger.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] His family had planned a journey that very day, to the Great City, and as they rode there, Benjamin finally had the time to properly admire and enjoy his find.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] In his eyes, the ring gleamed more beautiful than the eyes of a young maiden, its surface smoother than the maiden's skin.
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] [Nods]
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Now on this fateful day, as the family neared the City Gates, an old man came walking the road, in the opposite direction of theirs.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And on this fateful day, it so appeared that this man was the same that had divined the mystery of the ring, and as he saw how young Benjamin was obsessed with it, his heart was gripped by horror.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] So he stepped into the middle of the road, and he halted the riding men and women. Benjamin's father, a noble knight and favoured by the goodly deities asked the man why he didstopped them then and there.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And the old man spoke up and asked, to Benjamin and his father both, why the boy had not destroyed this ring of great evil.
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Tell]  My friends an I are going on a quest. Is this tale almost over?
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Tell]  Yes, just a couple of minutes.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] Jonathan
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] I will be one more minute Mastiand.
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] Await me outside.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] Is this really that important
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] It intrigues me to hear the end.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And the father asked his son, calm in voice and manner, why the boy had not done the noble act of ridding the world of this evil. However, he did not see fault in his boy, but simple asked him to turn the ring over, so he might destroy it then and there, by the might of his God.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] However, young Benjamin had worn the ring for near a full day now, and his heart was completely turned by its foul magics, and in his fathers request he saw only how his ring was being taken from him.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] Im sorry sir but my friend has to go
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] So he rejected his father, and when the father heard this, he was mightily suprised.
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] One moment Mastiand.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] Hurry it up then store
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] Sir*
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] He ordered his son to turn over the ring, just as a son should follow his father's word.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] But Benjamin did not.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] HURRY!!!
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] [Frowns] Be quiet, human.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] Hurry up Elf.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] His patience now lost, Benjamin's father took the ring by force, and he dismounted to see the ring destroyed.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] Yet as he did so, rage flared in Benjamin's eyes, his blood aflame with hate.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And he drew his dagger, and as his father knelt in front of him, he plunged it into his back, to reclaim the ring as his own.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] And so, by spilling the blood of his family, he sealed his faith as a servant of the evil power who had once forged the ring, forever dooming himself to serv -
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] ENOUGH OF THIS FOOLISH STORY
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] JONATHAN WE LEAVE NOW
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] I see wisdom in your words elf. I will see if I can reclaim my coins from that trader. But, for now. Bye.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] - this evil deity, to only commit deeds of horror and slaughter, instead of the noble deeds he was demed by birth to do.
[Jayde Moon] Roslyn Honeysapper: [Tell]  lol.  murder webber
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] NO MORE WORDS
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] [Takes off the necklace and stashes in his pack]
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] Bye for now,
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] JONATHAN
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] *Puts out hand to shake*
[Cocobeans] Jonathan Stroud: [Talk] I believe you are very wise elf.
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] [Smiles] Good bye, human. I see the tale served its purpose.
[Jayde Moon] Roslyn Honeysapper: [Talk] Sir, please stop yelling.
[gDarDog] Mastiand Webber: [Talk] DID YOU HEAR ME
[Oskar Maxon] Elbareth Megilindir: [Talk] [Shakes his hand]

Mission accomplished!