Davril Loyalar, Hero?

Started by Daemonic Daz, January 19, 2009, 03:54:27 AM

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Daemonic Daz

Yup, Davril finally met his maker. About time too, here some screenies and I hope you enjoyed Davril as much as I enjoyed conning you all :)

In service of Sunlord Andros after being kicked out of a lawless ziggurat...

Whilst backstabbing my fellow amaunatori!

A meeting to discuss whos going to lead the people

Whilst donating to the government of Albedos.

Shady characters tried to assassinate him.

Satyrs tried to assassinate him!

Eventually he got sick of Amaunator, so he decided to suck ass.

His new friends

Running away from a few orcs


Oh and regarding the duel, Davril really did sell Berimund that seed he caused so much trouble over. Peace out!



The growing rivalry between Berimund and Davril was awesome, especially when it boiled down to the duel. It was an difficult, entertaining and thrilling fight!

Great character!



Kawurachi Laughs at you in the fugue.


I liked Davrils' treachery. It made me laugh a lot. :]


Wow... never would have guessed. lol


Good stuff.  Colfax and Davril were so close, yet so far...
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


you always told me he was ebol, but that was some damn cunning ebol.

mask? sneaky git!

awesome pc.


All the time I thought I was talking with a goody two-shoes. Appears I was mistaken. Excellent and long lived character.

Daemonic Daz

The order liked to play with Davril.

Listen in Silence

I've no screenshots of him.

Must've been because he was such a worthless character.


I disapprove.

Luke Danger

LiS, you disapprove of everything that fails to reach level 7 within a 10 day period.

I liked Davril, though these are some nasty revalations.

Dr Dragon

I approve Davril brought awesome RP even when he died. Also Davrils life is not over! He shall be an undead NPC Davril is so awesome that he will become an NPC!

Davril was a rly Awesome char who died in a rly awesome way. Kudos to Daz!
