Havoros Khaver

Started by VanillaPudding, December 21, 2012, 04:09:28 AM

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Havoros Khaver was formally of an order that had traveled the northern edges of Faerun and battled against many evils, notably evil dragons that influenced things in the lands. Upon hearing of Ymph's troubles they set sail, though their knowledge of the Mist was lacking and caused the ruining of their fleet, thus most were lost in the effort. He was indeed an Aasimar Paladin red dragon disciple (aspiring, not earned sadly!)

Starting in the Muster at day 2 he made his way to Overseer and then further to on of the leading candidate in the recent elections. Sadly he met his end in the pursuit of justice and to the hands of betrayal by a man that could never quite keep his oaths. Nonetheless, the few screens that I didn't lose are below! Big shout out to everyone that made him fun to play, you know who you are!

A lot of coin was donated before he had died!

The final moments


Wow..what a shock!  I thought Havoros Khaver would pull it out at least until the war against the Maiden started.  Keep rocking Vanillia!


VP can actually make great Good aligned characters, it seems!


I wish I had gotten more of a chance to RP with him, but alas, schedules kept us apart. Shame to see him go.

Good luck on the next!


Mr Howardson

He was good aligned? :P


Thoroughly enjoyed Havaros!  And I always thought VP was just a PVP machine, who knew!  Glad you made him and happy to have had the copious amount of server exploration we did! Well done, sir.



One of the best paladins I've seen in a long time. Artfully using the law and order approach to win higher seat in governmental office then using it to enact actual change in the pursuit of both Law and Good as a paladin should.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


A great Paladin and a damn fine hero.  Greatly enjoyed RPing with you, Bahamut-follower.


Definitely a superior paladin. It was an honor.


This is the only way for the Aberdenn to win an election

Big Orc Man

Excellent character, and a very good representation of a true paladin.

The Old Hack

Fantastic character. I'll miss him.




I had a great time with Khaver. I'm honored to have been the one to interview you in the Muster barracks on your second day.