Server Updates - Questworks

Started by Mort, January 22, 2009, 10:02:47 PM

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In the hope of making some more interesting and more interactive low levels adventures, I will be running a contest for scripted quest ideas.

Basically, I'd like you to get thinking about ideas that are interesting for new scripted quests. I'm also opened to different variants of quests such as instead of "Kill X", it could be "Rescue X" or "Protect X" as I played a bit with the scripting system and managed to find an efficient way to run these types of missions.

What I'd you to think about when writing a quest idea for this contest is to:
 - Explain why the PCs would have to do such a thing.
 - Where would it be. What kind of interesting/original environment it could be.
 - What types of danger they will be facing.
 - What is the background lore for this adventure and include, if possible, samples of this lore.
 - Loot Theme that you find such a place.

Winner(s) will receive a DM quest for a PC of their choosing. Simply send me a Private Message (PM) in the forum detailling your quest idea and I will look them over as they come. The contest should be open for two weeks, but I may extend it.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is for low levels quest ideas, so preferably under 7.

 * * *

At the same time, I'll be using this post to detail newest additions in terms of new adventures to the module:

 - Isaac Solomon has been updated.
 - Jebediah Fahrel (Johan's Mill) added. [2 parts]
 - Jon Craddock/Wounded Mule added.

In progress...

 - Revamping Lucinda's Quest (new ending).
 - Revamping Nightriser Barrack (big update in the work).


Thanks to all who participated so far. Keep the ideas coming.


Nightriser Barracks modified and updated.

[In progress:]

 - Finish Lucinda's update.
 - Finish NB part II completed.


Thanks to all who participated so far. Keep the ideas coming.


 - Finish Nighriser part II (Barracks).
 - Tweaked a large variety of quests.

[In progress:]

 - Finish Lucinda's update.


Thanks to all who participated.

I'm not accepting anymore quest ideas (at least for the purpose of this contest!), and will be announcing the winner(s), shortly.