Perk Suggestion Thread

Started by Talir, January 16, 2013, 10:50:18 PM

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Ranger Perk- Trapper

'Whether it be a pitfall or beartrap, you've spent enough time in the wild to be able to piece together snares to better help capture your prey.'

-Receive a random trap per reset.

Please give rangers a reason to put points into Set Trap. Or even allowing them to take the Rogue Trapsmith perk would be fine.

Dr Dragon

Pure fighter perks, and must belong to the indicated race.

Dwarven Warrior- You are a dwarven soldier. Honoring your clan, and your race. Your manner of fighting  different these tall folk, and short folk you are of proud Dwarven stock. You will show those pointy eared Elves, those Humans, and of course the enemies of your people what a true Dwarven warrior is made of.

Level 1 +2 saves vs Poison.

Level 5 Exotic Wep prof +1 physical damage against Half-Orcs, Orcs, goblinoids, and giants.

Level 8  Bonus Feat Wep focus Dwarven Waraxe, Wep Spec Dwarven Waraxe.

Halfling soldier-- While small you can still pack a punch you plan to show these people how a hon uses a blade.

Level 1 Bonus Feat dodge

Level 5 Bonus feat Expertise

Level 8  bonus Feat Sneak Attack 1d6


Throwing axes are not used very often, for various reasons. They weigh a lot, they are rare, and they require martial weapon proficiency.

I would love to see a Barbarian perk involving Throwing Axes. How about giving Rapid Shot as a feat, and some free, low weight Throwing Axes every reset?

I think the best part about this would be changing the Rage to give whatever Throwing Axe you have equipped infinite ammo while you're raging. At higher levels it might even give you a bonus to attacks per round.

Thematically, tie it into something Talosian, like each axe is similar to a lightning bolt. A furious style common to hunters on the Steppes and Plains, where large game necessitates a powerful weapon to bring them down.


[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Jack of all Trades[/COLOR][/SIZE]
You have a natural ability to adjust and learn from life and retain the benefits from your life.
level 1: Alertness (+2 Spot & Listen)
level 4: Silver Palm (+2 Appraise & Persuade)
level 8:  Courteous Magocracy (+2 Lore & Spellcraft)

This perk could be added to all classes perk categories and would be good for backgrounds of most any class and would be far from OP. It would also help to make for more/better RP explaining how one is not just your basic (insert class here).


Alienist - Sorcerer

You have been touched in some manner by an entity from beyond the stars, twisting your mind and body as it whispers of unspeakable horrors and forbidden knowledge.

Level 1: +2 Lore, +2 Spellcraft, -2 Persuade, -2 Concentration, Aberrant summoning theme
Level 5: +2 to the DC of all your spells, 5% spell failure
Level 8: Random mutation from a list of horrible mutations with boons and drawbacks, some more, some less. Possibility of retirement.


moved here

Dark Gifts:

Those who delve into the black arts often find themselves victims of  their own magic. Whether it be that an evil force took notice of the  necromancer, or the necromancers patron has rewarded them for their...  work, or maybe just the very fabric of their soul has been tainted by  the arts that they practice they find themselves gifted with unnatural  and evil powers.. of course though, with all powers recieved by evil..  theres a price.

-Lvl1: Receive Random Dark Power From The Dark Power Chart (1d100)
Receive Random Dark Power Curse From The Dark Power Curse Chart (1d100)

Lvl5: (Same as lvl one added to the first)

Lvl8: (Same as lvl one and five stacks with the first two)

This is one variation as the original necromancer Dark gifts basically  were received as they got higher level and ended up with a total of  three dark powers and three curses to go along with it, whether they  were visual deformities (glowing red eyes, black twisted wings, blue corpse-like  appearance, ect.) Physical Malfunctions! (fatigue, lethargy, sickly[the  malfunctions usually resulted in loss of stat points or skill  weakenings]) or even other insane dark losses.                                                                                                  __________________ Also note: The dark gifts recieved at each level should be equally measured by their level so therefore a level one dude won't get the most powerful gift at first level and at 8th lvl end up with something lame ect. ect. Also most necromancers never end well due to their deathly arts and the risks involved, the 8th lvl should be like the chaos perk, could be potentially dangerous or awesome.


I suggest that the level 5 rogue perk ''Poisoner'' recieves the ability to know the effects of food poison prior to using them.


I had an interesting idea for the Mad Berserker (Barbarian) perk.

When you rage, you are already blind....but maybe make it so anyone you hit (or maybe only people who hit you? or people who are near you when you rage?), you are able to see regardless of what they do. Like a mad berserk tunnel vision on your enemies.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


I don't think that can actually be done.


Channeler (Sorc perk):
Restrictions: You cannot take any spells beyond beam/orb spells. Ex. (Scorching ray and ray of frost also the elemental orbs)
Your magical training combined with your sorcerous talent have developed in such a way that you now are able to use and channel spells that are focused in a beam like way to degrees much more potent then any other.

(OOC note: The gist of this perk is that it would give more versatility to the term "Envoker sorc" This perk works off single target elimination and has cast times. Also a light effect could be used as you channel much like the wild magic of shifting colors over time, as the next degree of the channel is reached the color will change)

Level 1:
Gain Sorc token (Channel)
Arcane focus:
All beam spells of lvl 0 gain 1d4 additional damage if you channel for a round prior.

Lvl 4:
Gain 3/day of Searing ray (Cl 5)
All beam spells of 2nd circle and below gain an additional 2d4 damage if you channel for 2 rounds prior.

Lvl 8:
Gain 5/day of searing ray (CL 7)

Sorc token: (Prismatic Beam: A unlimited use per day spell that is 1d6 of a random element, each round channeled up to three rounds allows for it to gain +3 per round of a random element.)

All beam/orb spells of fourth circle and lower as well as "Prismatic beam" gain an additional 3d4 damage is you channel for 3 rounds prior.

Extraplanar Witchdoctor

Allowing the LVL5 rogue perk scavenger to get the ability to crawl through digged holes that are relatively close to eachother, using them for sneaking away or other purposes.

Trevor White

[SIZE="3"]Wizard Perks.[/SIZE]
Yes, wizard is powerful and flexible. But is misses out on the awesome flavour perks of Sorcerer perks, so there are fewer niche options to pull players away from buffbots.

As per the Sorcerer perk but without the 5 DR.

As per the Sorcerer perk but without the +2 CON.

Elemental Bond
The fire one was brilliant for PVE as it meant that you would actually kill mobs with offensive spells, rather than just wound them a bit, and wasn't broken in PVP as it was low damage that a little DR negated.
This could be returned as simply "all elemental spells deal +1d4 damage each round from "Someone" until the victim makes a Reflex save"

Aggressive Echoes.
Some wizards concentrate their focus on a barrage of offence, squeezing every last drop of power out of the basic spells of destruction. They are skilled at demolishing opposition, but make poor support troops.
All buffs cast on targets other than yourself are at 2/3 duration.
L1: Echo Cantrip. Ability to mimic own cantrip spells as per Steal Spell from Arcane Mimic.
L5: Echo Spell: Ability to mimic own L1 direct damage spells as per Steal Spell 1 (Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Ice Dagger, Negative Energy Ray, Burning Bolt Horizakaul's Boom). Casts at your level -3.

[SIZE="3"]Ranger Perks[/SIZE]
Witch Hunter
The curse draws in closer, and the Lich's minions lie even within the walls of Mistlocke. The Witch Hunter has dedicated herself to rooting these necromancers and sympathisers out, choosing them as her prey.

Favoured Enemy bonuses disabled. Wilderness speed bonuses disabled. Wilderness Spot/Search/Listen buff disabled.

L1: 20% Negative DI, +2 Negative Energy, Fear and Death saves
L5: +3 Negative Energy, Fear and Death saves. Weapon of Quietus: The Witch Hunter's weapon has +1 AB and +1 Fire Damage vs Undead. 1/day Turn Undead based off of Wisdom modifier.
L8: Weapon of Quietus: The Witch Hunter's equipped weapon has +1 AB and +2 Fire Damage vs Undead. 1/reset Potion of Boon.


Favoured Enemy Bonuses disabled, Dual-Wield disabled.

L1: When wearing light armour only, gain Weapon Specialisation: Longbow and Shortbow.
L5: Spawn a bundle of magical arrows 1/reset
L8:+2 Dexterity, -1 Hide/Move Silently/Set Trap

Some Rangers concentrate on the mastery of light, short weapons they can easily fight with in the close quarters of deep jungles and thick forests. The Swiftblade learns to dodge and strike nimbly with paired weapons.
Lose the Shield Proficiency feat. Lose Favoured Enemy damage bonuses and AB.
L1: Bonus Feats: Uncanny Dodge, Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting. These are disabled when using Heavy Armour, a Shield or a Two-Handed Weapon.
L5: Weapon Specialisation: Shortsword, Dagger, Handaxe, Mace, Kukri, Light Hammer, Sickle, Whip.
L8: Some sort of offhand-only buff.

Venom Master
Poison is everywhere in the Wilderness, from the tiny, deadly bright frogs to the sharp fangs of the viper. To master this lands a hunter a sure kill from even a small nick to his prey.

Favoured Enemy AB disabled.
L1: Use Poison, +3 Poison Saves. Poison lasts longer on your weapon.
L5: Gain 2 Poisons whenever you use the Extract Poison Glands Player Tool. +2 EFUSS Herbalism
L8: Poison save improves to +5. Constant Toxicity: The Ranger's equipped weapon gains +1 Acid Damage.
This is Egon.  He's been away so long he forgot both his normal account name AND the email account he used to register it. So now he's on an alt account until he fixes this :P


To encourage something beyond FE: Undead/Human/Elves

Pure Ranger Perks

Aberrant Hunter

Some revere the alien, the bizarre, the abhorrent creatures which creep and hunt in the darkest, deepest corners of the world. Others choose to dedicate their lives to wiping out every trace of these monstrosities, gaining an intimate knowledge of how to oppose them without falling prey to their bewildering abilities.

FE Bonuses disabled
Level 1: +2 Fortitude
Level 5: Receive 1 Clarity potion/reset, Iron Will
Level 8: Weapon receives +1 attack bonus vs. aberration, +1 ac vs aberration

Lycanthrope Hunter

Few creatures are more chilling to encounter in the dead of night than the dreaded shapechanger, but the lycanthrope hunter is never caught off-guard. Whether the victim of one of their attacks or newly reformed and seeking to make amends, they make the destruction of were-creatures their goal in life.

FE Bonuses disabled
Level 1: Weapon receives +1 attack bonus vs. shapechanger
Level 5: Receive 1 belladonna, 15 silver darts per reset.
Level 8: Weapon recieves +3 attack bonus vs. shapechanger

Planar Hunter

There are some things on our world that simply do not belong: beings which have been called into our plane at the behest of their summoner, or simply tore their way into the Prime through sheer will and desire. Planar hunters expel such beings one way or the other.

FE Bonuses disabled.

Level 1: Resist Poison feat gained.
Level 5: 1d4 Divine damage vs. outsiders, receive protection from chaos potion/reset.
Level 8: 1d6 Divine damage vs. outsiders, 20% fire immunity.


Fey-bound (Sorcerer)
Taken by wild huntsman under the full moon as an infant, you awoke in the forest thirteen years later with no memory of the time passed. Your village never truly accepted you again. There were always rumors that you were a changeling or fetch...

Level 1: You may rest in the wilderness as a ranger or druid, +5 Hide/+5 Move Silently for a PC if medium stature or larger, +2 Hide/+2 Move Silently if small stature or smaller.
Level 5: Forgotten Forest summoning theme
Level 8: Your faerie nature begins to manifest itself. Females may sprout leaves or gossamer wings, males take on the countenance of a satyr.

Whether the blood of trickster-fey flows in your veins, or the product of some magical experiment, you have a decided affinity for changing your shape. But if you can be a small boy one day, and a dragon the next, who are you really? Are you even human anymore?

Level 1: Polymorph Self 1/day
Level 5: +3 Bluff, +2 Fortitude
Level 8: +1 Regeneration

//Shape-shifting is a fairly iconic magical power in  almost any world. I think its a shame that polymorph related concepts  need to wait so long to come into fruition. Intended to do for  shape-changers what touched by the maiden does for animators.


[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Firebrick"]Slave[/COLOR][/SIZE]  (fighter perk)
You are  slave, either born into it, or recently enslaved by one of the many bands of slavers that inhabit the island. You are dominated!
NOTE: This perk can only be taken if you have a "Master" PC to submit to.

Level 1:  -1 will ([SIZE="1"]you have been dominated and lost your will[/SIZE]), +1 hide, +3 MS ([SIZE="1"]You learn not to upset your master by being loud and obnoxious[/SIZE])
Level 5:  Sleep anywhere without a fire ([SIZE="1"]You have learned to sleep where-ever and when-ever you can[/SIZE]), Heal +2 ([SIZE="1"]You have learned to better bind your own wounds[/SIZE]), Gain 1 healing herb each reset ([SIZE="1"]You can make bandages out of most anything and have a habit of collecting such for later use[/SIZE]).
Level 8:  +1 will ([SIZE="1"]you have accepted and submitted to your position and no longer fight it, your will is your own[/SIZE]), +1/soak ([SIZE="1"]you have toughened yourself against the beatings and learned to ignore the pain aspect of each wound.[/SIZE])

[COLOR="firebrick"]Note:[/COLOR] This "slave" perk is something that just came to me and I only quickly added some bonuses that might make sense. Of course it would be subject to change but I kinda like the general concept of it.